Challenge #69 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Music

Pure Entries

Desoto [list:3365d6753b]
Here it is…music.

The Freak Show

Here it is :slight_smile:

Don’t Rest!

“Audience all ears”

Smoky Joe
Well, this is my first work with no cel shading…so I feel kinda awkard when I see it:

In charge of music, at least this should be meaning of this picture. In case of interest- there is 40 lights in the scene.

I am calling it done. Slightly GIMPed with the noise. Otherwise Blender.

I call this one “Fireballs from Hell”
Singing they’re latest song “I’m going to burn your house down”

I call it Fender-Blender

soni bardot
“Precise Robot Rhythms”

It’s a trumpet. All pure, rendered in blender.

“You’re early…Kit Percussion lessons start in 15 minutes”

Non-Participating Entries



Cool already 4 votes :smiley:
I voted for three-dee, cause the nice looking scene. Only the shadows on the ground (and left wall) could better. But still, I like it.

Cya BackiZ

I voted for Wus on the basis that it had alot of character, and was also a good composition spatially.

You got my vote, Wu. I like your characters a lot. How did you do the drums texture?

Alexandre Rangel

I’ve been staring at these entries for a while now trying to decide. Here are some random thoughts that came to mind as I tried to decide:

Desoto: That’s cute :slight_smile: you can almost hear the music echoing over the imaginary houses below. I wonder what’s on the record. Maybe some yodelling? :smiley:

arangel: Where I avoided doing an entire audience in my own piece you succeeded in making something resembling an actual concert. My first guess would be those are “makehumans,” but, if not awesome work on the modelling.

BackiZ: Nice and almost real looking :slight_smile:

chasonil: I can hear the music :slight_smile: it’s loud, the way it should be :wink:

Hippie: Very imaginative and fun scene! Another nice little angle on the camera to give the scene that off-center feeling :slight_smile:

Smoky Joe: Interesting concept :slight_smile: I wonder what song the singer’s singing :slight_smile:

svita: Definitely the most colorful of all the entries. Nice lighting and details. Another one that almost looks real.

Modron: Definitely the most abstract one here, and very well done. It’s visually rich and makes you think, which is always a good thing :wink:

Wu: Very cool scene. I wish it was animated so we could see those little guys rock out :smiley: They have personality and an attitude.

Quailman: One of the best guitars I’ve seen created in Blender :slight_smile: I’m a guitarist, so I appreciate the work you’ve put into this to make it look authentic. Cool title too - “Fender-Blender” :smiley:

Soni bardot: I’ve seen some of your other work, and you have such a unique style. Great colors and cool concept :slight_smile:

Erk: Yet another one that borders on realism. Fine work on the details and smoothness of this model. Nice reflections too!

three-dee: The most detailed of all the models here this seems to be. Obvious it is the hard work you put into this. Excellent modelling abilities have you.

Beginning to sound like Yoda am I… :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Now here comes the hard part: who to vote for. There are too many good ones here. Theeth briefly mentioned a new voting system in an earlier WC thread, and it might have come in handy here because it is a tough decision.

After staring at these entries for about a half hour now two tend to stand out slightly more than the rest ever so slightly: Wu’s and three-dee’s entries.

I voted for Wu, and I wish I could have voted for three-dee, Hippie, Modron, et al. Congratulations Wu on a truly cool image!

I feel bad basse didn’t get to finish “flo.” She’s an amazing little dancer, and you should check her out if you haven’t seen her already. Fortunate for many here basse didn’t finish her in time for the WC :wink:

Well, everyone take a bow for a great all around effort for this weekend challenge! :smiley:


I admit i dont like to vote for the uber-entry (the one everyone votes for) since im very rarely anywhere near an uber entry myself. My vote goes to three-dee just because thats some awesome modelling. Great work.
The lead singer from fireballs from hell says “Thanks bros, it means a lot”

Anyway it is very cool to do well in a huge group of really great entries.

modron- Thank you for the vote, I knew I couldn’t model or texture as well as most of the challengers, so I felt I really needed a picture with tons of character.

arangel- Thanks for the vote, the drum texture was taken from a photo I found on They have tons of large photos that are great for texturing.

robertt- Thanks for the vote, I really respect your work so it means a lot to get your vote. I actually used your last entry as a example to work from, meaning I tried to add as much detail and objects to the picture as possible.

backiz- My vote went for BackiZ I loved the scene, and texturing.

Thanks for all the votes it means a lot to me to do well against such great computer artists. Also confused why Svita hasn’t got any votes, he was my second pick. Good luck to all and keep on rocking.

Well my top three were Erk’s rumpet (beautiful reflections), Wu’s fireballs (excellent characters, expressions), and BackiZ’s bells (great atmosphere, though it was a bit dull and hard to see on my browser/monitor).

I have to say I also liked Desoto’s gramophone: nice composition and colors, it would be a neat prize in a game.


Golly this was a hard choice, everyone’s is great.

I had to go with BackiZ’s, because I love the ambiance and atmosphere of it.

My vote went to backiz. It reminds me so much of my holidays in Italy when I was younger. It might be because you can’t find a village without his own bells out there :slight_smile:
Great mood and very impressive lighting.
If you wouldn’t have been there, I would have vote for Modron whose psychedelic entry reminds me of Rez.
Well good work every one.
See you.

I voted for Wu… I’m a sucker for well-done characters. It was tough, though. I was bouncing from Wu to BackiZ to Erk to Modron to… well, you get the point. Great job, everyone.

Great work everyone, after a bit of thinking my vote wnt for WU. Great scene, best darn lil’ devils I’ve seen. :smiley:

The drummer for Fireballs from Hell says “You guys are freaking crazy”

It is overwhelming and so nice to be doing well in this competion. I really enjoy 3d art and to get nice comments from lots of great 3d artists is too cool.

Enos Shenk -I never thought I would see the day were I was called an uber, thanks.

Reed -Thanks for the nice words.

Fweeb -Thank you for the nice complement it means a lot. I tried to stay simple with the design because of time, but I’m glad it turned out good.

Hippie -Thanks for the vote. I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with putting horns on almost all my models, so Im glad you liked them little devils.

Thanks for the comments it really does mean a lot to me.

Excelent work everybody :slight_smile: My vote is for Wu,becouse he has nice scene.

I’m irksome…nothing vote for me…this is contest :smiley: some time next:o)

Don’t be so sure. The votings not over yet. :smiley:

Why does one person always win by a landslide, anyway?

Hmmm, at one point I was tied for 1st with quailman. Oh well. Great job, everyone. I’d vote for svita if I hadn’t already voted for myself. Next weekend I’ll have a lot more time so pick a good theme Wu.

Hmmm, at one point I was tied for 1st with quailman.

Yeah, that was a nice place to be. Voting for myself early is a big self-esteem boost. I like the trumpet, and the bells.

More of this lame self-voting. I don’t think voting for yourself should be allowed. a) It doesn’t make sense because you obviously want to win, which is why you entered the challenge to begin with b) It subtracts a vote from another person c) It doesn’t reflect well on your character.

My vote is that self-voting be banned.

I’ve never voted for myself, I’d feel like I’ve cheated in game if I would be doing that.