here’s my offering
i hope ive met at least one of the rules grin
I must get better at env mapping
here’s my offering
i hope ive met at least one of the rules grin
I must get better at env mapping
Tired of shaking your eggs? Get the eggshaker now
Absolutely Pure entry!
link to image
link to page,4,5,,1,2,2,
Somewhere along the way (probably between 1:00am-3:00 am) It became a bit wild and a bit unpure… so forgive me for this one
PS: I realy love the egg shaker
The Bonk Teleportation Machine
Testing is still underway for this one-of-a-kind teleportation machine - get something anywhere, anytime.
(100% pure blender render)
full size:
Protective gear must be worn…
Ok, me is in I think. Placementholdingelectronicallypoweredwigremover.
well I tried also, here goes mine.
It’s dream affector . it affects dreams. You can say what dream you want tonight and than … sweet dreams :).
bye … vosa
wow lots of great entries, I wish I could participate but too much to do. it will be very hard to vote but im down to
robertt-great story and great model, im glad you only get a week end because anymore time it would be unfair
backiz-I love the scene so much mood, and personality, reminds me of a room from an old super nintendo role playing game, cool