Challenge #75 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: perpetuum mobile

Pure Entries

Modron [list:1771536565]
I call this ‘Frictionless Rotator’

Here be a pure entry of complete nonsenseness and overwhelming quantities of yet undiscovered, boiling chemicals. Behold:

well… here it is… my half @$$ed WC attempt, dont expect any votes, but couldnt stand not entering…
its my new mountain bike frame, its a Foes… i love it… and its just sorta a sorry model of it, the dropouts and most of the backend is just a placeholder for more, better stuff, but its my first even alright chrome…
so if ur into mountain biking, shout out, or even better, vote for me!

Here’s a homage to the great sculptor Alexander Calder (1998-1976).
As well as being the inventor of wire sculpture and the mobile, Alexander Calder was one of the first modern artists to create monumental work for public spaces. From his earliest hand-crafted toys to his later wire portraits and dynamic mobiles, Calder was fascinated by the mechanical potential of his materials. His innovative, truly modern work – the unexpected combination of playful movement built from industrial materials – is a celebration of engineering and art. In a career that stretched to his death in 1976, Calder became one of the best-loved and widely appreciated American artists of all time.

Ok Im finally done. PURE Took me about 6 different styles until i finally got this one. The idea is that the pendulums on the ends are kept in motion by the magnets on the base. Each swing the magnets repel the magnets in the arms thus creating motion. The pendulum arms are connected to the main shaft on the top so that each swing of the arm turns the axle in the shaft which turns the gears, turns the generator, and lights the bulb. The round balls on top are just cool looking

It works like this: The fan makes waves on the water, which makes the boat bob up and down. That motion is then transferred into circular motion, which is transferred through the belts & gears. This then turns a magnet between a heap of coils. That creates a current, and the current runs the fan… voila… perpetual motion woopee

Oh, and if you would like to know exactly how it works, here is a
link to the thread with a full explanation (Because I really did work out the logistics to this thing) link to the thread

its simply really… err kinda… what happends is when the Balls fall down the ramps they generate static-electricity, which in turn is proccessed by the Extremely high tech device built into the base and is then used to power the vacuum… The metal balls are only (Metal) in appearance and are actually quite light, and made of a very special substance. So only a small vacuum is need to pull the balls up through the tube…

The basic idea is, bubbles come out and pop creating waves of air wich are cought by the generator and are transferred into more energy for more bubbles…

skating kow
Well, here it is, the fruit of five minutes of labour (plus ten thinking of what to do, plus thirty trying to find the buttons on blender 2.3)

Nothing out lasts the plutoniumizer.

Well, as you can see, this is the purest perpetuum mobile around. It’s like this:
radar 1 makes radar 2 turn, radar 2 gets radar 3 going, and radar 3 helps radar 1…
great, right?

Enos Shenk
The Shenko Heavy Industries Self-Powered Steam Engine can be the solution to your companies power needs. The steam engine drives a tree log shredder that creates wood chips to power the steam boiler. By hooking your device that needs power to the flywheel, you can be set up for perpetual power in mere minutes!

Only 5 easy payments of $34,295!!! What a great deal!!!

It’s like a gadget. When one ball finishes it’s decent down the left chute, the pivot “flicker” flicks the other ball up the right chute. A piece of string pulls the right side of the flicker back down so the ball on the left chute can roll down to the right chute, ready for deployment once again.


Congrats everybody! Nice bubbles, Scorpy!
Modrons´s and Enos´ works really caught my attention! Nice mood, Macuono!
I just made an anim of my entry

Alexandre Rangel

I voted for arangel. Enos’s and others were pretty impressive, but I am partial to fine art, and I happen to dig that artist.

modron, I can’t get your link to work ,anyone else with this problem?

It works for me, but you could try viewing it in finished products.

my vote goes to enos, good job dude

Looks like Enos is going to be a runaway.

Wow tough choice I think… I really liked macouno work, but my vote is gonna have to goto Enos…

awsome job to all…

I voted for idgas, balls on top that just look cool. Woo yeah!

Oh and scraze, id like to point out that 3 gears meshed like that will jam and not move :slight_smile: Take it from someone who discovered that fast on accident when building legos long ago.

The bubbles are just glass with a magic texture, but thx. My vote went to enos, awesome job there!

Ps. vote scorpy!

wo… who voted for me? thank you…

Enos great modeling, but in the end I just don’t think a perpetuum mobile can be run by burning wood unless it grows it’s own trees… I love the modelling though.

Idgas get’s mine, cause I think it’s the one that would almost work, and I like the modelling too.

I didnt have enough time to build the tree cutter-downer accessory :slight_smile:

LOL! yeah I’ve liked to make mine work around a lake instead of a table top too, but I didn’t have time to make nessy :wink:

LOL, I was going to surround mine with a miniature solar system, but I wasn’t able to get that far. :frowning:

Although Enos is probably going to dominate this WC i had to vote for him anyway. Great job on the modeling and textures Enos, eventhough i don’t think that a steam engine is considered a “perpetuul mobile” i still think its awsome. Thanks for the votes guys.

If you’re having trouble with the link to my entry, see page 3.
Tamarin was kind enough to post my image for me! Thx! :slight_smile:

my vote goes to enos. nice job dude.

is there something i really messed up on in my entry? (be honest, i want to know what i did wrong)

oh, and just a reminder to cut&paste the adress on my entry.

well, anyways, everyone did a good job.

Your machine Isn’t really a perpentuum mobile if it need to be powered by batteries. But, that isn’t a very big deel, seeing as how the entry that will most likely win isn’t either. At least you got the idea better than some of these people. (Not to name any names) Cough arangel Cough

I Voted for macouno. Good idea.

yeah, i guess you’re right about the batteries. once you start the machine, it will have perpetual motion (that is if perpetual motion was possible, which it’s not!). It’s ok, it’s my first weekend challenge, so i didn’t really expect many votes.

enos: well, you’re totally right, i realised that just when i posted the image - but i couldn’t, i just couldn’t change the image, seeing susanne in it… you know :slight_smile:

and uhmm, macouno, i like the experimantory style of your image :slight_smile: got my vote.