Challenge #784 (29/06/18) Entries CLOSED

Thank you very much :grin:
But you can’t see the creature because I modelled only the arms :laughing:. I allways use filmic and I did tweak the contrast.
On my monitor looks right, I mean under the guardrail should be dark enaugh to just distinguish the arms from the rock.

@FlyingBanana thanks for your feedback!

I’ll try to join in the future challenges as much as I can.

Lots of good stuff already, keep it up guys!

Since I’m experimenting with materials using the layer weight node, among other things, I came up with the following entry, borrowed the character from blendswap, the idea of the tavern came from a 2d image i saw on artstation the other day. Did some post composing in PS. Open I guess. Hope u guys like it!



The scene from the shining just popped into my head when I saw this entry. I love the colors in this scene!

Nice psychedelic colours. Seems like something from the 80s.

“The Guard”


Cycles (1000s), MBPro (Late 2013)


Here is my non-competing entry:



Pure Blender 2.79, Cycles, only procedural textures used. Also: no smoke sim, just a variety of complex procedurals on multiple planes.

Please click/tap the image for the full resolution. Some barely visible headphones are there :musical_note:

Hopefully the play on words for the name of this piece is not too poor a pun :smiley:

Have a good week, everyone!



Wait… what if that is Fred? :laughing:

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@purbosky ROFL I hadn’t even thought of that till just now and now that’s all I am picturing.

“Welcome: Build Bridges”



“Endure a Cell”
Pure, Competing, Cycles, 128 Samples, Denoising, Removed Denoiser artifacts in GIMP

A very quick entry, just to say I entered. :slight_smile:


Sacrament of Penance


Open, used MakeHuman


@boblybill: If you’d like to participate and the theme just doesn’t make any ideas pop up you can always misinterpret the theme deliberately. :wink: Like @FlyingBanana said, this is a fun challenge and things shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

@Wodzuu: Welcome back! Poor worm. How come, the apples are always bigger on the other side?

(And on the matter of ‘welcome back’: has anyone seen @Gordi, lately?)

@DrakonProd: Welcome to the challenge. :slight_smile: Nice entry. I too, find the bottom half of the image a little dark. I almost missed the arms. :wink:

@jonramos: Welcome on board/forum. :slight_smile: Great start. The poor animal’s name could also be Rango. As a wise owl once said: “Here in the Mojave Desert, animals have had millions of years to adapt to the harsh environment. But the lizard? He is going to die.

In remembrance of last weeks theme I guess he is listening to Steppenwolf’s ‘Magic Carpet Ride’. :wink:

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LOL :smiley:

I was at one point thinking he might have been listening to Europe’s “The Final Countdown.”

:earth_africa: :rocket: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

Really cool shading, btw you scared me lol

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Guard Under the Rail

Pure Entry

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Title: The Pandorica Opens

Not sure if this one qualifies and it is not done but time ran out again… stupid slow computer.


@Helge, I know this is for fun, and I don’t want to take away from that. Here’s the thing for me, I joined this forum because I saw the vast difference in talent vs myself. I am always amazed at what people can produce even in a time crunch like this fun competition vs what it takes me to do something even mediocre. But, I use this difference as a litmus test for me to gage on whether or not I’m improving. I did this same thing back when I got into photography back in 2006, and after a couple of years of posting bad pictures and getting negative critiques, I started posting threads with pictures that people loved. Only because of the negative posts on my initial threads.

One thing I discovered over the years, after numerous failures, was that, often enough, I was standing in my own way, preventing my own progress.

I was, at various times, too aware of the prospect (or likelihood) of potential criticism, too wary of not pleasing others with my works.

On the positive side, that partly fed my drive to better myself, but, more importantly, the moment I stepped out of my own way and allowed myself the space and the energy and the time I needed to develop something, in the way I hoped to create it, things eventually improved.

Which is to say it largely came down to a matter of personal perception and expectations.

Once I focused more on creating rather than criticism, things went better, results yielded more naturally, and it was no longer a matter of living up to how I felt others wanted things to be: it was simply, as it always was, a very personal interpretive and expressive matter between the art and its artist.

And I still failed miserably at times :smiley: (and still do!) but I know keeping a sense of humor about these things is important as well, and I can always use those experiences as opportunities to learn and to experiment with new ideas / settings / technical and/or artistic approaches.

Not every image has to be crowd-approved or a masterpiece. I deliberately work against that notion with my experimental works, even as it might irk others :slight_smile:

In the end, it comes down to just doing things well and for the right reasons: i.e. well enough for your current level of experience and for the art itself, not for the viewers, who will always be appeased or unappeased beyond our control.

We can always improve ourselves. Self-improvement is an endless proposition. It’s when we hold ourselves back, though, that we deny ourselves (and others) the experience of our artistic growth.

Worse yet, we then stand a chance of not fulfilling our creative potentials. There are so many better artists than me out there, and not all of them even know they’re artists yet, or realize they could be. I worry some of them might not even try.

I can only encourage you - and anyone else out there feeling they’re not yet ready to participate - to jump in, enjoy, and know that most of us are here to cheer each other on and to work towards preserving a mostly positive community, something I think sets Blender apart from so many other software endeavors.

I know from experience that this challenge only gets better as more people participate, and the participants themselves, through participation, improve all the time, whether they realize it or not :slight_smile:

So, please do feel welcome, and, whenever you are ready, please consider joining us.

I, and others here, eagerly look forward to seeing your work!

I wish you the best.



There is one reason I like this forum so much…

We get feedback but it is never hurtful. I have never seen a post like: “This is bad” or “You suck”, instead I got feedback like: “You need more lights”

I think I joined about 3 years ago, I think but not continuously. I think I have gotten one point ever.

I am just a hobby 3D enthusiast. My computer is way too slow. I am saving for a new one but that could still take another year.

I feel welcome here and I think I have improved over the years.

Thanks everyone
