Challenge #785 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme:

World Cup

  • Stanley_De_Graef
  • icyou520
  • Evilos
  • 3dnotguru
  • purbosky
  • didierv
  • FlyingBanana
  • fcharr
  • alf0
  • eyelight
  • abdoubouam
  • RayVelcoro
  • RC12
  • Millani
  • fdo
  • Ansaar13

0 voters

After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Jul 11, 2018 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.

[If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30GMT.:slight_smile: ]

Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.

This week’s winner:

Pure Entries

Stanley_De_Graef: The Cup full of life

icyou520: Alternate Reality

Evilos: Worlds Cup

3dnotguru: worldcup

purbosky: Soccer Set

didierv: Flat Earth World Cup

FlyingBanana: World Cup Setup

fcharr: Russian Sky

alf0: the time cup of the world

eyelight: World Domination

abdoubouam: world_cup

RayVelcoro: Broken Cup

RC12: World Cup

Millani: Crazy Racers World Cup

Open Entries

fdo: World Cup

(I have to call this one open because i reused the arm from Manuel Bastioni’s great plugin.)

Ansaar13: Colors of the Countries

(My god it took so long to do the flags, so many textures :joy: Almost everything done in blender from modelling and compositing but most textures were from online.)

Non-competing Entries

OLG: Dreams of World Cup

Helge: Whirled Cups


Photox: Soccer ball with interesting lighting

3dmad: World Cup

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A bit off-topic, but the ball used for the world-cup this year is pretty ugly. That pattern looks like the glitches you get when your GPU is dying. The one from 2014 was cooler.

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I have to agree with that. Even the sewing pattern didn’t seem very creative

The red one looks cooler than the black one.

Those pattern still remind me of the 256-color windows 95 era and it doesn’t help much TBH. But from far away (I mean that’s how you’re going to see it most of the time anyway) it does look a lot better

Maybe this stands for the video assistant referee… who came into play this time. In this case, incorporating tracking markers would have been a nice detail. :wink:

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The ball design is based off “Telstar 1” the first TV satellite and the TV of that time were monochrome and more pixelated than the ones today, so they made the color black and white, and the design pixelated.

lol … and now we also know why R2D2 looks like it looks. ^^

Great entries everyone. My vote went to abdoubouam, since the colors and dynamics are really well captured in this entry.

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I second that. :slight_smile:
[Both parts of the post - above and below the image.]

Thanks a lot, @Helge and @DM9 :slightly_smiling_face:

That probably was a fashion trend from the 60s…

(Fernsehturm Berlin)

Enough about balls, let’s talk about entries:

Stanley_De_Graef: A cup full of life indeed! I liked the positive idea.

icyou520: In the world of Blender, anything is possible! I liked how the flag seems to be trying to “grab” the trophy. I also found funny how you separated “USA” from “World Champions” :smiley:
The trophy looks pretty awesome, by the way.

Evilos: Football must be quite fun when there is no gravity! Poor goal keeper must fly off the field all the time :wink: I liked the greeny wall. but the image looks a bit too blurry overall. I think you should’ve added that effect only on the brightest portions.

3dnotguru: That would be a nice mug! “Hey son, wanna see the world cup?” “Yeah!!!” “Here it is!” (sorry for the stupid dad joke)
I liked how the cup seems to be in space, but a bit more going on on the background would be nice too.

purbosky: Nice gift for a football fan! I just hope no one tries to kick it. Btw, at first I thought this was a jug because the handle seems a bit too thick for a finger.

didierv: I liked how it looks like a frisbee from above. There seems to be some artefacts in the material though. Are they caused by denoising or by the texture?

FlyingBanana: Quite some psychedelic colours there. It feels like the ball is staring at the moon, longing for its company, but it is too far away.

fcharr: I liked the bear, it looks so fluffy. But this is more the ground than the sky, no?

alf0: I have no idea what this is, but the contrast is pretty cool. It looks very mysterious and a bit sci-fi-ish.

eyelight: Creepy. Someone took winning the world cup a bit too far! I just think that there is way too much text for one image. Also, the “neck” of the sprinkler looks a bit too thin. But at least I learned something new today!

abdoubouam: Loved the sense of movement and how you captured the climax of the game. Also cool how much effort you put on the background.

RayVelcoro: Oops, someone is going to get angry when they find out, and I think you can’t glue that together. I liked the mess on the front, but it lacks smaller chunks. Also, the stone materials looks really cool.

RC12: Glad to see it is back in one piece now :slight_smile:
Nice clean render, and good lighting too. The grass feels a bit too short for me though, but maybe that’s the way it is.

fdo: Hey, you can’t touch the ball with your hand! Sounds like a good trophy for the player with the most fouls :smiley:
Interesting sculpture.

Ansaar13: I liked how you picked an interesting side of the world cup, with many cultures joining in one place. The buildings are also pretty nice. Did you consider putting the boy really close to the camera? I think that would help to tell a story.

OLG: In the mind of a child, the world cup can happen everyday. This reminds me of my childhood, where almost all kids wanted to be football players when they grow up. Cool idea!

Helge: Haha, I liked the face of the cup in the foreground, kinda like “was this supposed to be exciting?”. Nice colours too.
I really liked that water, by the way. How did you get the colour like that? The water seems to be clear in the front, so I would guess you used the sky for it? Or is it a volumetric?

RobertT: This makes me think of Gaia embracing the Earth. I liked how she looks like an elderly woman, but also quite alien at the same time. The wrinkles are pretty cool too.

Photox: Title says it all :slight_smile:
That’s a pretty crazy lighting effect by the way, I liked it.

3dmad: I liked the character and the story, but it stopped at a cliff-hanger! Now I want to see part 2 in order to know if he made it or not! The movement looks a bit like that of a string-puppet, but at least I could “feel” when he hit the floor.


Thank you Millani,

I think like most good stories, stopping at a “cliff-hanger” was probably a good idea, as I think most endings never really live up to our expectations, I have a strong sense this would have definitely have been such an ending :wink:

I can’t honestly say I was trying to achieve a realistic animation, and I could certainly see it turning into a kind of puppet/stop motion (Wallace & Gromit) kind of deal pretty early on, so I decided to just run with it (excuse the pun ;-)).

I’m of course not in anyway claiming I could create a realistic human animation even if I was trying to, but I think if I was attempting such a feat then I would probably try and create a good run cycle first and then just try layering some animation over the top of that to achieve some variation throughout. What I actually just did was animate straight ahead, and as I never really payed that much attention to the poses or the number of frames I was leaving between them I think the timing was never going to be that good.

There is definitely some glitches here and there which should have been fixed. The camera at the beginning also seems to be clipping the characters hair, which at the time I wasn’t really paying that much attention to. Also now looking at it again the ball seems to be moving a little too fast through the air, as well as the robot motion seems a little wrong…basically there is a lot of room for improvement :-).

Anyway, it’s all just a bit of silly fun and I’m sure there will be some form of a follow up/“part 2” at some point ;-).

All the best,

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I hit the darn reply button which should be labeled ‘NEW POST’ not ‘REPLY’

Thanks Millani! The water effect is based on a Principled BSDF + Volume Absorption and a Sky texture Background which helps lighting this thing up. :slight_smile:

And… the winner of Weekend Challenge 785 with 46% of the votes is… abdoubouam!
Here’s to all the great participators…


thanks :slight_smile: I have to admit I’m not happy with my bear. I am mostly happy with my soccer ball and grass. As for the sky, it’s behind the camera :wink:

Congrats @abdoubouam ! Nice clean detailed render.

@Millani actually yes the ball is looking up at the moon wondering if one day he may grow up to be that size too.

P.S. The moon is a soccer ball as well with a planet procedural texture on it.