Challenge #799 (12/10/18) Entries CLOSED

@fcharr Happy Birthday!

Wow so many amazing entries this week!!

@Helge - really like the feel of this one, really nice skin shader you’ve got there
is this dust infront post pro or particles?

That’s a good question :skull: :upside_down_face:

“Explosions, Flying cars and Fancy suits. What’s more chaotic than that?”
Title: Cool guys never look at explosions
PURE ENTRY OPEN clamping, denoising and 500 samples
Making the explosion was a real challenge but it was harder to wait the longest render I ever did (13 hours)

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@fcharr Happy Birthday!!

Stinging dice:

Naming is hard …
Somehow forgot to make the needles shiny …
Added a bandaid.
Should still do some post on it.


The Eye of Turing

Pure entry. The entire mesh was generated by a script I wrote during the weekend. Everything was made within Blender using only procedural textures.

The method used to generate this is similar to cellular automata, but with some changes. Cellular automata tend to be very sparse, with almost all pixels being black, which is ok for animation, but looks really bad, specially in 3D.

What I did instead was to make the automata walk around 3-dimensional grid, marking the way they took, dying and generating new automata based on some fixed rules.

As soon as I get a nice starting configuration I’ll post the script here. It is not very big.

Old version


Thanks :slight_smile: For decades I’ve been avoiding human heads and faces, but with @FlyingBanana catching up on some basics I decided to follow his example and give it another try. Let’s see where this leads me. (After all, the weekend challenge is a great place for conducting experiments and learning new stuff.)
Until then I’ll keep hiding things in volume scatter shader fog and dusty particles - just like this time. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry. There are still more than 24 hours left. I’m looking forward to the full render. :slight_smile:

Alright good stuff thanks!

Non competing pure entry
“Brooch of Typhon”
This based on the symbol of chaos with snake heads representing Typhon, a snake headed giant, from Greek mythology.
As @Helge said this is about trying new things. This is the first time I´ve done texture painting in Blender and I really enjoyed it.


Yeah I agree, texture painting is fun. It’s almost up there with sculpting. Something satisfying about pushing a blob around at will to make something. Same with texture painting, so satisfying to paint something and it comes out the way you want, and not having to rely on texture images.

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Explosion chaos.


Where’s Wally Waldo Mugo???

I ran out of time and so pulled this together instead. Hopefully not too easy or difficult (Mugo is in there) :slight_smile: - took almost 12 minutes to render so I am not sure if I will be able to get a higher res up.


[I made Mugo more distinctive and the image slightly larger]

@fcharr Happy Birthday :balloon:



I wanted to write a greeble script, but I had to settle for something I could finish in like 3 hours. I’ve always wanted a displace option that takes into account the mesh density. This script displaces each vert individually as a percentage of its shortest connected edge. There are 2 parameters, displace strength along the normal, and displace globally in x,y,z. Currently it it still possible for the script to return overlapping geometry on thin geometry, like suzanne’s ear, as the script does not check for verts nearby in 3-d space but far away in edges. The script creates a duplicate object of the active object and will not alter the original object.

# MIT license
# 2018, Photox

import bpy, bmesh
import random

displace_strength_along_normal = .8  #  Best if in 0.0 to 1.0 range) > 1.0 may give you overlapping geometry
displace_strength_global = .4

def get_shortest_connected_edge_length(my_vert, my_bm):
    shortest = 1000000.0
    for e in my_bm.edges:
        if my_vert in e.verts:
            if e.calc_length() < shortest:
                shortest = e.calc_length()
    return shortest 
bm =

ob = bpy.context.object
new_name = + '_smart_displaced'

matrix_world = ob.matrix_world

for v in bm.verts:
    shortest_connected_edge_length = get_shortest_connected_edge_length(v, bm)
    random_displace_maxima_normal = shortest_connected_edge_length * displace_strength_along_normal
    random_displace_maxima_global = shortest_connected_edge_length * displace_strength_global
    r_normal = random.uniform(-1.0 * random_displace_maxima_normal, random_displace_maxima_normal)
    r_global = random.uniform(-1.0 * random_displace_maxima_global, random_displace_maxima_global) += r_normal * v.normal += * r_global

for v in bm.verts: += * r_global = matrix_world * #  re-apply the object mode loc,rot, and scale. 
mesh_smart_displace =
o =, mesh_smart_displace) o )

1000 Samples
“Double Horizon”
Abstract art follows a narrow line between art and chaos.


Nice entry beau11, do you happen to still have your presculpt wip image from over the weekend?
I remember it being very cool as well!

Do you mean my first iteration of the project? If so I do have it. :smiley:


Yep, exactly. Thank you for posting it.
I love this version too!

I really enjoyed the contrast in this image, the paint strokes on the right side, they really appear like oil on canvas, did you make those in blender?


Non-competing. Cycles, 5 samples.

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I didn’t make those in blender. It’s a background image, but I made it a much smaller part of the scene in my later iterations in order for me to keep it Pure-ish

Ok, so I finished my entry and the script. If anyone is curious, I released the script and wrote a bit about it here.