Challenge #889 "Crazy Hats" (03/07/20) Entries CLOSED

Alchemist hat
Pure. Cycles


Pure, Cycles


@Helge You always manage to pull off a couple of hat tricks during these challenges. I tip my hat to you.

And you don’t even have to worry about grades or exams!




The Date (Pure, Eevee)
(Condom = hat . LOL ! )

Hiding the ugly parts is a nice skill to pick ! Tried snails like that, ended up with the same mess at the center.

Thanks for the explication.

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Nice to meet you! I switched to Blender a few years ago and started checking out this community and (especially) the weekend challenges shortly after that. It has been very helpful. The way I see it, Blender’s large, international and diverse community is one of its biggest strong points. It can be a bit chaotic at times but it would be hard to find this amount of dedication anywhere else.

Don’t worry. I’ve automated most of the process. However, by default, I’m using the first image as the entry image. If you’d move that one up, that would actually save me a few seconds. :slight_smile:

Big hat, no cattle - but it works quite well! :slight_smile:

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“Fancy Hat”

Pure, Blender 2.83, Cycles; All textures proceudral, All compositing in blender

I would actually kind of like that hat.
This is my first time participating in this contest, sorry if the format is wrong😋


Tin Foil Man

Non-competing (pure).

Super quick entry.
Yeah, I know, the hat is the smallest thing here, but anyway.
(That’s a tin foil hat in case you can’t see it).


Got some Girl Genius fanart for you this week.

Pure, (apart from HDRI). 128 samples in Cycles.

I welcome advice on putting text onto meshes. I was planning to texture paint it on but I followed a hat tutorial that advised shrinkwrapping. I’m not sure it worked out that well.


Lookin good. Suggestion for a scene like this with the spraying blood, have it splattered on the hamlet… Might be able to use a cloth simulation for it, but thats just a guess. Nice job.

Keeping America Great
For some odd reason Suzanne started to cry when modeling this hat for me.


Well, likely dynamic paint, though at this point friend, by computer was already crying a getting into a frustrated fit.

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I don’t know why I keep trying to set up such big scenes for these challenges! I think it’s to see just how much I can get done in 4 days. Anyway, I had intentions to make the hats a little crazier but ran out of time. The teacup I made previously and just duplicated it, and the cake in the back is from Blenderkit. Think I can still call it PURE.
EEVEE, 512 samples.
“Mad Hatter Party”


“Tallulah the Toucan” (Pure, Cycles) Inspired by Tallulah Bankhead and her crazy hats… :slight_smile:


OPEN " Green sombrero", This weekend was very hard so I had only 2 hours to make anything. This time OPEN ( Textures from BLENDERKIT).


Sir Atlas

Cycles, Pure, not competing

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x2 I also do not know a good workflow with text in textures, I believe this with texture paint is a huge area to improve into blender.

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ooo a whole text editing thing. Text on Curve, but fluid in UI/UX such that the artist barely notices. Each text element’s constructor including a text on curve named based on the parent that allows ease of manipulation! That is a great idea and I’d love to see it implemented.

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Is there some kind of template we can use to make it easier ?

Title: ...
Pure/Open/Non-compete: ...
Open Reason: ...
Image: ...
MISC info not added to poll thread (render info, how it was make, blablabla...) : ...
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