Challenge #897 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme:


Which entry would you like to see win?
(If you cannot decide, pick up to 3.)
  • DominikR
  • FlynnD
  • RayVelcoro
  • beau11
  • sherlockjeo
  • rigoletto
  • BlenderrMan
  • DavidRoomes
  • fcharr
  • KickAir_8P
  • Xeofrios
  • Watndit
  • phocomelus
  • Sssjjjbbb
  • LilTreason
  • Gizmo73
  • SidewaysUpJoe
  • Gismo_Wander
  • quillan
  • Emily
  • Lucky_Stefan
0 voters

After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.

If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30 GMT. :slight_smile:

Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.

This week’s winner:

Pure Entries

DominikR: Elevator

FlynnD: Blender

RayVelcoro: 4 Gears

beau11: Overseer

sherlockjeo: Peggy’s Acoustics

rigoletto: Gears of fear

BlenderrMan: The Proposal

DavidRoomes: Prison of Gears

fcharr: Mechanotron

KickAir_8P: Suzanne’s Brain

Xeofrios: Ferro-Arachnida

Watndit: Glass Clock

phocomelus: gear cake 0011920×1080 192 KB

Sssjjjbbb: The Welder

Open Entries

LilTreason: Life Cycle

(Like to give a big shout out to Mixamo for the characters)

Gizmo73: It’s old but it works

(Open entry as I used textures from and the extra objects addon for the gears. The rust material is entirely procedural though.)

SidewaysUpJoe: Involute Nature

(Used the MTree add-on for the trees. Also used the Gear add-on which comes with blender under the “extra objects”.)

Gismo_Wander: The Back-O-Mat

(Open…the keyboard and the Back-O-Mat are pure )

quillan: Warranty Expired

Emily: Geared up for Romance

Lucky_Stefan: gear driven eye

(used substance painter for texturing)

Non-competing Entries

Helge: Artifact

Millani: Jack Clockwork

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Ok guys I have a question… :thinking:
When I posted my render did they look realistic to you… i mean I let some people that have never seen my work look at my renders and they said they look photo real… :thinking:
My work always looked cartoonish to me and I didn’t know they looked photo real. 🤷
It’s kind of daunting to think I always thought my renders were cartoonish when they looked photo real. 🤷🤔🤦

I saw your portfolio and I’d say your works are a bit in the uncanny valley so you shuld try and make a shift towars more stylized or photorealistic.

If I remember correctly, most of your challenge entries were not aiming for a photo realistic look. You could post an example image, that would probably help to be more specific. :slight_smile:

But perception depends on the people you ask (and their background: 2d, 3d, painting, photography, none of these,…). Compared to a hand drawn cartoon (consisting of flat shapes and black borders) most Cycles renders will look somewhat photo realistic. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they can be mistaken for a real photo - but shading, light, reflections, perspective, … will look more realistic by default.

Just think about what images and movie effect we called ‘photo realistic’ 20 years ago. :wink:

Photo-reallism also depends on the photographer! :stuck_out_tongue:


Not sure why this made me feel so uncomfortable.

And… the winner of Weekend Challenge 897 with votes from 51.3% of the voters is… Xeofrios!
Here’s to all the great participators…



And here we go again:

This is what I call an early start! :slight_smile:

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Congrats Xeofrios, and thanks to all of you who voted for mine – ten votes, a personal Weekend Challenge best!

This week my votes went to Xeofrios’ Ferro-Arachnida (elegant), fcharr’s Mechanotron (I’m not sure this is supposed to convey the joy of frolicking in a field of flowers, but it does), and RayVelcoro’s 4 Gears (simple and effective). Also enjoyed Millani’s Jack Clockwork (beautiful light and sense of space), Helge’s Artifact (took me forever to get it), Lucky_Stefan’s gear driven eye (wince-worthy), Emily’s Geared up for Romance (like your juxtaposition of greys and colors), quillan’s Warranty Expired (evocative), Gismo_Wander’s The Back-O-Mat (I’m missing the joke, but it looks great), SidewaysUpJoe’s Involute Nature (surprisingly pastoral), LilTreason’s Life Cycle (bold use of shadow, like the colors), Sssjjjbbb’s The Welder (love the dragon but they’re all good), phocomelus’s gear cake (looks tasty), Watndit’s Glass Clock (like the materials), BlenderrMan’s The Proposal (cute!), sherlockjeo’s Peggy’s Acoustics (realistic), beau11’s Overseer (creepy), FlynnD’s Blender (clever!), and DominikR’s Elevator (I don’t think I’d trust my weight to that, but it looks good).


I was wondering because one of the suggestions for observing your images is to have other people look at your work " fresh eyes :eyes:".
The people that looked at my work have never seen cgi being constructed before so they don’t know the process or wok it takes to build a scene or a model.
They said most of my renders looked realistic to them. :grin:

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I guess you could see the gears as flowers, didn’t think of that. I was inspired by WoW’s gnomes and their mechanical worlds. Thanks for the vote :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the love everybody! Was really expecting @beau11 to win this one. I also found this amazing video by Gleb Alexandrov at the blender conference about detailing. I couldn’t implement it as I only saw it yesterday. Hope you enjoy the next challenge! Shift-n everyone :grinning: