Challenge #900 "End of summer" (18/09/20) Entries CLOSED

Last rose of summer

Pure entry, Eevee, 32 samples.

Had a lot of fun with this one. Especially figuring out the colors was entertaining.
Since I wanted to keep it pure, I remodeled one of my older car models in lower poly here, it doesn’t look bad even though it lacks a lot of detail, but I think it fits the overall style I went for.

I tried to capture the feeling I had when playing Flatout 2, as it had a great “late summer vibe”.
I’ve discovered some new things regarding the toon style and I plan to make more artworks styled like this. Thanks for the great theme, good luck!

PS: The license plate is the last day of summer, at least according to Earth, Wind and Fire’s song :slight_smile:


This is beautiful! Firewatch vibes as well. :smiley:

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Summer festival in kerala

this image is pure and is completely made in blender 2.90 .
This shows a girl plucking flowers for their traditional festival Vishu in the morning.
all the models used are made by me myself .


Thanks! Yes Firewatch was also an inspiration here. I mean, the whole thing is just a smoothie of things that make me feel like the end of summer.

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“Back To School”

Pure, Blender 2.90, Eevee, All compositing in Blender

Had to make this one in two days due to a failed idea. Did the sculpt in 2 hours! No perspective cheating in this one (almost). Would have loved to do a few more things. I might post an image in the artworks section afterwards. I know the title is a bit ironic given current situation :stuck_out_tongue:



“A Cold Pendulem”


“Right Around the Corner”

Pure entry, Cycles, 400 samples

Very first challenge I’ve ever participated in! Definitely a lot of talented artists on this website, and the entries for this challenge are quite stunning; I love seeing everyone’s different interpretation on themes!


End of summer



Running for summer
Pure, Eevee
All made in blender, first tried a snowy grass, but all looks bad, so i make it more artistic with glare in the compositor. Used the sappling addon.


Suzanne - Drifting on a Summer Breeze

Pure entry, Cycles render, 64 samples & compositor denoising in 2.90.0. Composition is an unholy conglomeration of Golden Triangles and Rule of Thirds, 8x5 aspect ratio. Environment is sunrise.exr (one of Blender’s included studiolights). Thing I did for this that I’ve never done before: modeled individual strands of milkweed floss (there’s three different strands in the particle system).

An iconically late summer sight here is white milkweed fluff gently floating in the hazy afternoon sunlight.

SuzanneMilkweedSeeds010.blend (1.6 MB)


Wheel of the Year.
Inspired by the modern pagan celebrations around the yearly solstices and equinoxes. My first challenge attempt.

Pure entry (textures are CC0 from NASA images)


I wanted to add that this was rendered in EEVEE and I am aware of shadow inconsistencies relative to the “wheel” earth position to the sun. I just needed to post it before I figured out the best Cycles settings to get a similar feel.

Pure entry , cycles 64 samples with optix. I had a lot more planned for the scene but not enough time to execute it properly, at least I tried :slight_smile: