Challenge #924 "'The burial of a dead leaf' (Jacques Prévert)" (05/03/21) Entries CLOSED

The grass scares me, it looks like it is living.
Ahm, it is, but not so lively. :smiley:

I call this one, “the burial”

so in connection with the topic/theme, I have designed a sober night with a full moon overwhelming a tree with all her leaves buried in the ground, each with their own headstones.

Pure Entry. Only the moon texture and ground texture are images taken off web, used for texturing. Cycles render. blender 2.93. Geometry nodes for ground and sculpted the tree. Used Blender compositor for bit of a color correction. This is my first time submitting an entry, thank you. :blush:


The leaf is dead long live the leaf:

When I saw this one pop up, I found myself wondering to myself … “So, what in the heck are the participants going to come up with for that topic?” :slight_smile:

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The lyrics had plenty to work with – the springtime renewal of life resonated for me, so I went with flowers growing from a bed of dead leaves. :+1: