Challenge #95 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme: Sports

Pure Entries

adde [list:4d2cff3267]
My first entry in the WC. I think it came out pretty good.

Oh, I guess it is pure, all the models were done for this. Textures were done in the gimp as well as the caption.

here it is, the 1st Annual Fowlympics

The Sport I like most, is sitting in front of my TV and watching old TV cartoons.

Here is my entry.

a tribute to my favourite tabletennis raquette, which was lost on the night before the regional championships a month ago.

had some time over today, so there is my entry… main purpose was to test the modelling with quads only.

is nude sunbathing considered a sport?
Here is: Frog Racing

ok, i couldve done a lot better, but i only had like 2 hours today, and 2 hours yesterday to work on it…

Well here’s what I’ve come up with so far, I have my pool league playoffs tomorrow, so I may not get the opportunity to add textures and tweak the lighting.

Okay, I’m not sure if this is actually a sport, but if not, it ought to be.

Probably the worst entry. Didn’t have much time to work on it:

Grain and MBlur added in PS

Open Entries

fakeplastic [list:4d2cff3267]
All blender objects, with a terragen background. Rendered in Blender.


Modron, congratulations on a great entry. You got my vote. Great characters and creative approach to the topic.

My very close second choice was Idgas’ basketball court – what a beautiful render and nice job on achieving near photorealism.

All other entries were nice too in their own ways. I hope everyone had fun and learned something while making their entries :slight_smile:

If anybody cares to look, here’s a closeup of the tortoise gaining on the hare since he came out kind of small in the medium sized render :slight_smile:

Have a good week everyone.


Thanks Robert. I also voted for Idgas. Very nice realism, especially the lighting.

I voted for fakeplastic. That slope just looks so inviting…

Flipped a coin between Idgas and Jack000, and Idgas took my vote. Would’ve liked to see that pool table textured, though…

My vote goes to …


The basketball court was a great render, and since I live in Indiana, I probably should have voted for that :slight_smile: However, Modron’s has action to it, which I think is more in keeping with the theme. I think that would be cool as an animation :smiley:

voted for Idgas…very good render, and very realistic.


Modron, you got mine too. Really good scene.

Robertt how did you do the Hare’s fur?


Modron, you got my vote. I love your idea.

Great work everyone!



I loved Idgas’s image, but I really was drawn to the creative camera angle and positioning of objects in adde’s image, so that’s who gets my vote.

I hope next week I can have the time to put in a better entry. Can’t get my butt kicked again.

Idgas got my vote, good overall image.

Why are so many people not using thumbnails? If you want a free image host which allows hotlinking, I use Cybertarp

Just some good 'ol norry cloud textures set really small :wink: It works at a distance, but any closer it becomes obvious and much less effective. Maybe some small particles (or the Beast, if I can ever get around to using that) would help for closer renders. For the grass/hills I used particles though. Thanks for checking it out :slight_smile:


Modron here, althought Idgas was close

Uh oh, the photorealistic gymnasium is kicking my ass! [!] Oh well, thanks to all who voted for me. :smiley:

modron got my vote

I can still make it,…I’m only ten votes behind… [!] :stuck_out_tongue:

wow, I got 3 votes. Didn’t think I’d get any this time :smiley:

I have to vote for elGordo, Nice concept!

wow I dont know what to say. Thank you everyone that has voted for me. :smiley: I was getting to the point where I thought about giving up on blending. After over a year of this I finally won a WC :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I voted for Modron because I liked his entry best. Thanks again everyone.

Hey Idgas, it isn’t over yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Modron’s and Idgas’ entries the best. It’s hard to choose, but I’ll go with Modron. The scenery and characters are good, and the fact that the sport is actually taking place in the render makes this a good entry. I liked Jack000’s entry too. :slight_smile:

id also like to thank all those who voted for me…

wait… i didnt get but one vote, somebodys grumpy :x
