Challenge #959 "Conspicuous Disguise" (05/11/21) Entries CLOSED

The angry egg is so nice. :smiley:

Ha! Actually I think that’s a pretty good close up. You might just go with that.

I think I’ll stick with “The Belle of the Ball” rather than “Mean and moody”.

Title: “Fail”

Pure, Cycles, 250 samples, Optix denoiser
The original intention was…

but… :smile: … it came out so “wrong and creepy”… that i actually love it… :smiley:


How do you do…

Pure, (Non-competing) - Experiment with projection-mapped image of Steve Buscemi on sculpted base… Kinda ran out of time so clothes kinda bad :sweat_smile:, hope you enjoy.

Good luck to competitors.

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Waterfront Box
I initially had a very complex rig for the flaps on the box.
I’m not sure why I wanted to rig that box.


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This doesn’t look like a voting - or does it?