Challenge #972 "the biggest hat" (04/02/22) Entries CLOSED

Theme #972 for Friday 4th of February 2022 is:

the biggest hat

Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Mon, Feb 7, 2022 10:30 PM)

How do I post my entry? Here is an Example: (click to open)

Title: Lord Polygon


Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.

“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”

For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES

Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun! :slight_smile:


He is right, that gives me hatache. :face_with_head_bandage:


At the moment I have absolutely no idea for the topic :slight_smile:

Googling for the term “the biggest hat” surprisingly shows me pictures of hats :wink: But it doesn’t help me either :rofl: I’m curious about other people’s contributions.

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So it’s whoever make the biggest hat won right ? I’m gonna make on covering the entire galaxy :rofl:

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People/Someone wearing galaxies as hats actually sounds like a solid idea to me. :slight_smile:


One-uppingtime: Virgo Superculster

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Space is just amazing

If you want to win against the universe, you have to make your hat bigger than the Sombrero Galaxy.


fits everyone’s head, in fact, is a universal size :slight_smile:


I cant believe you’ve done this


Not my entry, just had to get this out of my system



Let’s see if I can type a post without the system claiming it is being edited in another window, kicking me out, and I have to go to Drafts to get back in … so far so good.

My first thought was “big hat, no cattle”. No time to enter, certainly not to do this with characters.

That’s what I call a Mad Hatter. And just in case: My sincere apologies if I had anything to do with that thing getting stuck in your mind. :wink:

Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered - over in the last voting thread. :slight_smile:

this one is rough… im trying to make a character but its awful

Here is where im at so far, hope to work on it throughout the weekend, i wanna take my time with this one :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here is “HMS Big Hat”

The only thing that comes to mind… recycled my sea surface, buoy, and test animation guy from the last few weeks but all was made in Blender so Pure?


That is just disturbing. Well done! I will have nightmares. :frowning:

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Wizard in the forest

Not very much changed, at last, pure entry.


I must ask, the text is free choosen or is there a meaning behind it?

Oh no, there’s not a meaning behind it
Oh wait you were talking to him hah