Peaceful Sunrise Oil
Non-competing (Open-ish)
Cycles, 4096 samples, EEVEE, 64 samples, Paintshop Pro, ShaderMap Pro 4, Illustration Shader ($)
I grew up in the desert of West Texas and I saw the most spectacular sunrises and sunsets thanks to all the dust in the air. I have also lived in Colorado and Montana and the Rocky Mountains had the most peaceful sunrises.
Playing around with different techniques. A really convoluted process but I love the result. I need to clean up the process pipeline and make it more efficient. Rendered a base images with Cylces and the bloom from EEVEE as a separate image passes. Composited and a little clean up of the images with Paintshop Pro. Took the image back into Cycles and displaced it with its own texture and then applied a second normal displacement. Took that render into ShaderMap Pro and created bump/displacement maps. Took back into cycles and re-rendered with HDRI lighting. Border added with Paintshop Pro.