I was recently challenged to make a feature film length animation (around 2 hours long, give or take). I only got a certain alloted time, so it’s not meant to look good, sound good, or in any way BE good, as long as it is a coherent animated story, the length of a feature film. I was originally given my time in hours, but to make it easier for everyone, it’s now a fixed deadline: The end of september! Luckily, that only includes the actual human work part, but all files must be ready for render at that time. The start was the 15. of July, so that makes 10 weeks total…
The story is taken from one of my early drafts for a novel I’m working on, called Apparently Worthless (I know I’m setting myself up with that title, yes). It’s about a smalltown girl getting involved with time travel, but the focus will be in “smalltown”, considering the limited time for making this thing.
The first time I posted this, the image uploader went haywire and crashed my browser, so I’ll add images in comments. Don’t expect to be wowed, at all, I’m mostly posting this to distract my thoughts from the constant work, and because I find the results to be humorously / charmingly bad a lot of the time
Interesting project, but I have to ask, does it HAVE to be 2 hours long? It’s not like I’ve seen a script or know anything about your story, but I really doubt it needs to be that long. Most Hollywood films don’t need to be as long as they are. If your a one man team working on this project, and your giving yourself ten weeks to make it, your film is NOT going to be good.
I know your doing this as a challenge for yourself and don’t intend on it being good, but I honestly think making a ten minute or less film in the same time frame can be just as challenging. And at least you have a chance of your film being somewhat good. And if you plan to showcase your film to people, they are far more likely going to stay and watch an okay ten minute film then a really bad 2 hour film.
2 hours is just a rough guideline. 100 minutes is fine, and 150 would probably be acceptable to anyone but my therapist (for other reasons…) The main goal is to test some theories about Blender’s abilities, and push the envelope. Besides, plenty of people with far more talent than I make 10 minute shorts that look gorgeous, so if I’m going to do something less, I might as well make something big of it
That might be a bit nonsensical, not sure. I got hit in the head with a wooden plank recently, and I think it’s having an effect…
Very well, I don’t like to discourage people from doing what they want. I just felt it was a little unrealistic sounding of an idea and just wanted to throw my honest thought out. But you do what you think is best. And best of luck on it!
The uploader chucked the most important one: The old school seen from the approaching road!
Plus the bathroom, basement, and I forgot to add the flea market myself…
Late reply, I know, but I just had to comment that YES, this is a teaching / learning experience, and then some! I’m already crawling with ideas for how to do this better, but I need to keep them for after this challenge is over with and done. Then, maybe I can get an idea about how to do this bigger, better, and maybe even faster! (maybe not faster, if bigger and better… But who knows!)
Today I got a few more locations in, in the time I had. Almost done with all the way down to S, and starting on T after that. Of course, in something about TIME TRAVEL, the letter T has some significance…