Chamber of torture for adventure

Just another background art for adventure game me and several friends working on :slight_smile:

Instruments of torture modeled by Blitz, rest of objects, lighting setup and textures are mine work, to be exact :smiley:

very good work again.
maybe a little more color wouldn’t hurt…
also the fire reflections on the walls look like… hmm… too bright. make the wall material look wrong.


Another nice work.

I agree about the reflection of the fire light n the walls. Makes it look all wrong for a stone/concrete type material.

That is all I can see that really needs to be fixed though.


nice textures and lighting - but I think the fire could be better.

there is missing some instrument of torture on the wall. some chain and spiky stuff! over all, nice tex

Wow, that looks great! The walls are too shiny as mentioned before - and I would like to see some stains that give the impression of blood :D.

Great work. I love the style.

i have seen the screenshots, and i was wondering if all of the graphics were made in blender

Well, I use Photoshop too for preparing textures. But except textures (and fonts) all of the graphics in this game is pure Blender (I don´t use Yafray), why? :slight_smile:

Looks like this is going to be a great game!

The details and light dispersion in this are very well done.

I look forward to seeing more :slight_smile:


Looks quite impressive. Walls are a bit too shiny imo though.

Great detail…

Two things…

The walls would be burnt black from the flames being so close to them. I also agree about the reflective light, should be more yellowish not white.

And move the Iron Maiden away from the wall… the right door can’t open, it’s hitting the pillar.


I didn’t find the shiny walls offensive because I simply accepted that maybe the material is that shiny. In addition, it helps to keep the contrast of the image in check. But if those walls are shiny, why aren’t the others?

When you have cleanly separated point light sources in an image, as you do in this case, I think it’s very important that the shadows cast on the walls are absolutely true.

Furthermore, I suggest that you make that back wall window work harder for you. It’s just sitting there. It could be an excellent source of key-light.

Not bad, nice texturing. But i think there needs to be some blood somewhere. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks very good! Is it for Ron Loo or the other adventure you are working on?

What do you do with the torches? I guess they are animated, or? If yes, do you render them seperately and put them as sprites into the scene? I’m asking because I’m working on a scene for my adventure where are candles at the wall, and I have no real clue how to get the flickering effect over to the game.

Anyway, good looking scene!

(btw, this is nihil from Wintermute-Forum :slight_smile: )

Hi Nihil :slight_smile: Well, Ron Loo is my job, but this supershort(still unnamend, he he, but No, main character is not called Joe :smiley: ) adventure is for my pleasure and for promotion of Blender and Wintermute :smiley: I would like to see much more independent adventure developers to use these two preciousss :smiley:

As for torches- I will render them with backround (the wall) because character won´t go behind them. So I will set in Render buttons Border render, Crop and then hit Shift+b in camera view do define sprite of one torch. Then I´ll hit animation button to render set of sprites (bitmap output is set) and use them in Wintermute sprite editor. Hope it is at least little clear, I know me english sux :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s done with Wintermute? Cool!

But wait - no it’s not cool! Stop it!
I know what will happen, you will make your supershort-for-fun-adventure, and it will be better then anything we do and let us look like idiots! Go back to AGS!


(just kidding 8) )

As for torches- I will render them with backround (the wall) because character won´t go behind them. So I will set in Render buttons Border render, Crop and then hit Shift+b in camera view do define sprite of one torch. Then I´ll hit animation button to render set of sprites (bitmap output is set) and use them in Wintermute sprite editor. Hope it is at least little clear, I know me english sux :slight_smile:

Oh, I just tried it - it works! I must admit that I didnt’t know about this shift-b-thing in camera-view … that makes it a lot easier, thanks!
(and your english is clear enough :slight_smile: )

Another great scene!

Good job, but I also think that some blood and guts would make the scene complete.

But other then that good job!


Oh my, THAT IS real blasphemy :smiley: Just you wait when I say this to Mnemonic :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

To all others: Thank you guys for tips and kind words, I will work on that plaster texture this weekend and I´ll try to make some bloody blood stains somewhere :slight_smile: