Chandler and Evolution software

Does anybody have any experience with these open source Outlook like programs?

I made the switch from Outlook to Thunderbird a few years ago and I really like it. The only thing it doesn’t have out of the box is a calendar but you can get that as an add on along with about a million other free addon’s that are available.

I want to use my gmail address as my main email source in the application. However I don’t know what server type it is. The choices for server type are:

Novell Groupwise
Local delivery

If I remember correctly, gmail by default is pop. Under the gmail settings you can then enable imap which is what I would use so you can also see your emails in the gmail web interface.


I recently set up my GMail in Evolution using IMAP, which is great.
A link (not my own) with some help is:

Adding my Google Calendar to Evolution was a breeze too.

Chandler is more of a note-to-self organizer (or to do list) that has calendar, email, and collaboration functions. It doesn’t aim to be fully functional email software, and lacks tons of features for email. I use Chandler more as a calendar and to organize my ideas. I also set up the email in Chandler to send (not receive) messages through my Gmail address, so I can email any notes, events, or ideas to co-workers or friends.

You can also sync your calendar with google, evolution, and ical.

Whenver I try to change the account settings in evolution when I hit apply it crashes the program. I’m using vista 64 so maybe that’s the problem?

You can sync info from chandler to gmail? Also can you use multiple email addresses?

Chandler seems less buggy.