I’mn trying to change a script that works with Objects to make it work with Bones. I’m having some trouble because, unlike objects, bones have their center set on the head of the bone. As a result, I am getting al LocX,Y and Z wrong.
Does anyone know whether it is possible to choose another point along the Head/Tail axis of the bone as its center?
Im not sure if this is what you mean, but when you go in edit mode and select your bone, press ‘w’ -> switch direction (or alt+f) you can switch the direction of the bone upsidedown which I think also changes the center point.
nerd stuff. I have location and rotation values about the centre of mass of some objects. because I’m using bones as those objects it would help a lot to be able to change its centre of rotation - at least it would spare me of a lot of work with transformation matrixes, which I’m having right know