Change default transform for import/export

In Blender 2.91 the default transform is set to -Z Forward and Y Up.
Every .obj I’ve ever come across uses Y Forward and Z Up, so I always have to change it when I import or export an model and then I sometimes forget and have to do it again, which is really annoying (especially with bigger models that take a while to load).

How do I permanently set the default transform for import and export to Y Forward and Z Up?

Welcome :tada:

While importing in the file viewer you can on the top right :gear:–icon save your own Presets but AFAIK can’t set it to a default (at least until 3.6.9)… unless maybe if you use the legacy importer ( python and not included compiled ) you “may” edit the file (backup !!!):

BLENDERPATH/3.6/scripts/addons/io_scene_obj/ ( or \ for windows)

But have to remember because every new installation will override the “system addons” (and mayeb 4.xy does have it anymore at all ??)