Change Global Material Color on Runtime

Hey guys :smiley:

first sorry for my bad english.
At the moment i am creating a game with the blender game engine.

I finished all the main features, but to give the game a purpose i want to create an item shop.
I want the user to be able to buy new designs.

I only used 2 global materials, which i named “Floor” and “Black”.
Now i just animated the color on the timeline using keyframes, because i thought i can recall this animation using the “Action” Logic Brick. This WORKS. BUT!!! In my game i am spawning 6 objects every second.
Every time the object is spawned it changes the color to the default one. So i can not just change the “Parent” Object.

So just for the design i have to:

  1. Check another objects variable for the design keyframe
  2. Execute an action on the “Floor” material
  3. Execute an action on the “Black” material
    on every object i spawn.

This destroys the framerate (from 60 to 30 fps) and because blenders logic bricks are bound to the frame rate this slows down the whole game. (And thats not what i want because it is a game about speed.)

So is there any simple way to change the global current frame? So i can just change the design without destroying the framerate?
Or a more efficient way?

Thanks for your answers :wink:

(I am also using python, so if there is any solution with python please tell me)

To change object color in game I typically just enable Object Color in the Options settings for the material. Each object has a obj.color = [r, g, b, a] property which will then be enabled on the material.

Is this something you were looking for? It is not fully clear to me what you want to achieve.

Hey :slight_smile: maybe I was not clear enough.I have an object with 2!!! Materials applied.Now I want to change BOTH materials on ONE object dynamically on runtime.When I use the “object color” I can’t use MULTIPLE materials.That’s why I am searching for a way change BOTH.Maybe it’s possible using textures? Is there any way to change the UV Coordinates of a mesh on runtime?

maybe use vertex color?

what are you making map tiles?

You can also do a lot of cool stuff with node materials. If you start out with a material using object color you can separate the RGB channels and basically have 3 channels to influence anything in the material layout. E.g. mapping 1 channel per submaterial to a color ramp.

Hope it gives you some useful ideas.

Delete and assign the material new, otherwise the order of the first and second material can be wrong.

from bge import logic

own = logic.getCurrentController().owner

own.meshes[0].materials[0].diffuseColor = 0.5, 0.0, 0.5 #change material color (RGB) 1
own.meshes[0].materials[1].diffuseColor = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 #change material color (RGB) 2

Woooooowww HG1 does this work on runtime??? This would be AMAZING! I will test it when I am at home :smiley:
And Wraaah, I did not even know that you can use Node Materials in the game engine :smiley: good to know, I will give it a try