For all the guys that cannot connect to the geocities host, this is my new url:
Added a new short tutorial for the textures in Blender in orco mode… very simple one, but maybe that someone find it useful.
For all the guys that cannot connect to the geocities host, this is my new url:
Added a new short tutorial for the textures in Blender in orco mode… very simple one, but maybe that someone find it useful.
if you’ve had that mny visitors that quickly then i’m scared. i’ll probably never reach that in my sites life time
Very nice site!
I noticed some small typos in your Orco tutorial - to make the html quote makes you need to use a semicolon on the end of the " -> ". In Mozilla Firebird it just displays the ‘"’ in the text.
X Scotland: no, I started the counter from the number of visitors I had in the earlier site address.
X broken: thank you, I’ll fix it very soon.
Lovely artistic stuff…and nice sketches, the dinos are truly great
is this url to geocities too?
I have been thinking myself of my own domain and web-hotel…would be cool =) but I need decent concept and portofolio
Lovely artistic stuff…and nice sketches, the dinos are truly great
is this url to geocities too?
I have been thinking myself of my own domain and web-hotel…would be cool =) but I need decent concept and portofolio
Just start to make one!
problem is, what domainname ? any suggestions ?
Oh, sorry. I actually don’t know what domain is mine, because it has been a present from a friend of mine, that got the domain with adsl… he has not need for a domain, so he gave it to me.
Yes, I’m a lucky boy.
did you missunderstand me? I wondered what domain name I shall have if I will get a own one LOL…
Agh… yes, I missundestood you. Sorry.
What about: “The Incredible Paperman Home”?
uh oh…to long name as domain, and besides, I haven’t found my old blend-files of that WIP work…arrghh, it might have been trashed without my recall
I have 3 suggestions in my head, but I dont wanna reveal them, you dont know who will snatch them
Yeah, thank you
bye! geocities