I am trying to create an ocean shader that changes from a deep blue, to a turquoise green as the waves get higher. Any idea of the nodes that would help me accomplish this?
Color Ramp > Node that determines height > Shader
I am trying to create an ocean shader that changes from a deep blue, to a turquoise green as the waves get higher. Any idea of the nodes that would help me accomplish this?
Color Ramp > Node that determines height > Shader
For a simple planar surface, just map a gradient texture to the z-axis and use a color-ramp.
If you want something a bit more complex, you can download a new build containing volumetric shading capabilities and try to emulate the actual physical properties of seawater.
How would I go about mapping to the z-axis only? (Sorry, trying to get grips with nodes)
And thank for the tip on the new shaders, will check them out!
Took a little bit, but I figured it out. It is quite amazing the control you get with nodes.
Should have said how you did it so anyone else looking at this thread would know.
I’m going to take a guess though:
Geometry:position (or TextureCoordinate:Object) > Mapping > Separate RGB:B > ColorRamp
Texture Coordinate (Object) > Mapping Node (Changed Y rotation to 90 degrees) > Gradient Texture (Fac) > (Fac) Color Ramp > Shader
Thanks for the useful comments.
Q1) How to change colour of objects based on position in 3D space. In other words, instead of just one variable (which in the previous post was height) to account 3 variables (x, y and z axis)? For example to have a reference point, and if the object goes far from this reference point (no matter in any direction) the colour to change?
Q2) Is there any way to make a color scaling based on velocity of objects or even rotations of objects?
Thanks beforehand