changing material/texture at a certain frame.

Newbee here. I have an object that i would like to change the material and texture to something completely different at a certain frame. Can someone point me to a good tutorial or explain how to do this.


There are probably more elegant ways to do it, but you could ‘cheat’ by having two of the same object at the same place, each with the different textures you want and then animate their alphas to fade between them as desired.


Depends on what exactly you want to do.

A sudden change of the material in a single frame can be achieved by using a LayerIPO. Meaning one object with material 1 jumps to a different (not rendered) layer at frame X while object 2 (identical to 1) with material 2 jumps from a not rendered layer to a rendered one.

For smoother changes, you can use the MaterialIPOs which allow color, spec, alpha etc. changes. (don’t think that textur changes are supported).

There are :

I was trying to find an easy way to “lip sync” Remember I’m a newbie…

This is what I was reading:

IT stated:

  1. Animated Image maps
    Animation is achieved by replacing the color map. Much like 2D. You draw each of the mouths and apply the maps at different frames. You could make a matching bump and specularity map to go along with the color map…though this method still looks pretty cheesy for real 3D characters. However if you are going for a cel shaded look this may actually be all you need.

Sounded about what I wanted to do (I do this in macromedia flash). I was trying to figure out how to apply the maps at different frames. Is there a tutorial somewhere for this method?

It might just be easier to follow the Lip Sync tutorial


You mean using a video as a texture.

A tutorial:

hey Jgonick

now i am NOT a newbie i have been around for a while.

and about 2 weeks ago i asked the SAME question as you.

the answer is YES you can do it but NO its not easy.

this is My thread on the topic, and i think you are trying to achive the EXACT same thing as me.

so go read it as it has covered all the previously sugested ideas here and more.

hope that helps


Hey, a question

I want to animate the texture of my circle (shockwave)… How can I do that… I read a tutorial here but ctrl+mb1 does not work by me (2.25-2.27). I know I do something wrong, but what… Can anybody help me?

Thanks alltaken…

:smiley: Yes that is what I am trying to do… Have you succeeded in doing it?

I might attempt it when I find time.

Try this:
-Make your drawings in whatever program you like.
-Save them as JPG, TGA, or PNG.
-Go to the Blender Sequencer.
-Bring your drawings in and time them as you like, with transitions if you want.
-Render as AVI.
-Then apply this movie to your characters face as a texture.
-I think this would be the smoothest solution and less work than moving your UVed map coordinates.
Naturally, I got the idea when IamInnocent said, “You mean using a video as a texture.”
Hope this idea helps,

you answered yourself already

do a mesh
make multimaterial

mouth surface / material will thus have animated texture
do the lipsync in flash, spit out avi in 256×128 or whatever
spit also a single frame tga or whatever to get UV right
do the UVmapping on this pic
in material editor choose UV mapping and apply avi texture


you could only export lips and stencil this over your base material
I did something like this in 1998 in max and it was bearable; also used
flash (was it 3 then?)