changing shape of edge?

ive seen in blender videos before, but have never picked up on how it is done. Imagine you have a simple square, and you have made edge loops so that there is another square in the middle (verts, not individual object) you select the middle square and delete the face…you then select the edge which formed the square which you just deleted and pres something…and the square will turn into a circle for example…
hmm maybe i should post a screen coz i just explained that poorly!


there is the to sphere in blender

but also in loop tool there is a command to make circle
but may have to subdivide the inside edges to get a nice circle!


arent you able to WKEY-SMOOTH with the edges selected? That will subdivide them & circulate them? (see what i did there with that word? lol)

Use the subdivision modifier on it about at 3 view

haha yer Ive been using blender for quite a while now hehe :smiley:

Cut a few more edges and then use “to sphere” like Ricky suggested.

This would be the end result. For a good polygonal hole, without using high amounts of subdivision, you should have at least an 8 sided shape. If you the use a subsurf, it will render much more smoothly.

thanks for the help people :slight_smile: