Changing spot size of spotlight with Python doesn't adjust texture mapping

I can’t tell if it’s a bug or just something I’m doing wrong, but the title pretty much describes it.

I’ve got a spotlight with a texture applied; if I change the spot size variable with the slider in Blender, the texture scales to match the size of the spot. However, if I change the spotsize property in-game via python, the texture stays the same size while the spot narrows or widens- so the spotlight “zooms in” on the center of the texture. Is there some other option to match the scaling of the texture to the angle of the spotlight in-game, or is it a bug?

[edit] Moguri committed a fix to Blender. Huzzah!

Sounds like it could be a bug. I can confirm it, as well. Making a bug report would probably be advised, since the behavior is not standardized between the two methods. I guess now would be a good time to ask others or developers what the correct behavior should be (i.e. should changing the spotlight’s size change the size of the texture or not)?

I figured I’d check if it was actually a bug or not before I made a report. It seems intuitive that the textures would scale with the spot size, or maybe that there be a separate control to adjust the texture size if it doesn’t scale automatically (the Size properties in the texture panel don’t have any effect, and don’t appear to be exposed to BGE python).

Here’s the bug report, fresh off the presses.

Aaand Moguri committed a fix. Thanks a ton!

He is everywhere,

like a fluffy little ninja moogle!