So… I made some properties for my character in my game. But i’v added new ones, and its getting kinda messy; all of the properties are all mixed up. Is there anyway to switch the index of properties around to make them neater?
delete and add again (then it will be at the bottom)
or pick something you want to replace change the property and add the one you replaced again (now it’s at the bottom)
make sure you save alt files occasionally so you don’t pitfall yourself
If this starts to get very messy you can handle properties through python
import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
own['Property'] = 1
although this doesn’t let you handle properties through the UI and logic bricks
There was a patch some years ago, that let you sort the properties (similar to the logic bricks).
Anyway, if you really need you can copy the properties to another object, remove them and copy them in the order you like back to the original object. Still a lot of work.