CHanging the runtime file icon

Can you change the icon for the executable file created? I am using Windows XP.

Currently thats not possible, but I remeber seeing a program someone made that basicly copied the blender window into another window and let you make a new icon for the window…

Yes, it is. Check out

pokes sutabi in the eye with a stick



me next me next! heh

i wonder why any one would want their eye poked by metalmesolid?!

kEinStein!!! poke my eye out with a stick!!! PLEASEEEEEE!!!

Sutabi, where have you been?

Thanks S_W! BTW what’s BGLauncher all about?

P.S. Be nice to poor Sutabi!

Sorry, I meant to thank you for directing me to the link! Still be nice to Sutabi!

  • it can start a Blender game with all available command line arguments through a gui
  • you can take in game screenshots with it
  • you can use it to play compressed .blend files on a computer without Blender being installed