I was hoping this would be possible to do by adding keyframes in the texture window and checking two different image textures on and off, but unless I’m missing something that doesn’t work. I know there HAS to be a way to do this. Can anyone shed some light on it for me?
well, you can certainly animate the influence…
assuming both texture 1 and texture 2 influences the color:
at frame 50 (for example) turn the infuence of texture_1 to “1” and press the “I” key over the number (this should make that field yellow)
for texture_2, set the influence to “0” and press the “I” key
at frame 51, set teh influence of texture_1 to “0” and insert a key as before
set the influence of texture_2 to “1” and insert a key.
Now you should see the texture change from 1 to 2 at frame 51 in the animation.
I tried that man and it’s not working, it just overwrites all my keyframes with the last changes.
One of my textures is a video and the other is an image. Would that cause a problem?
EDIT: lolz my bad, read your response wrong. Was keyframing in the main texture window, not the Color value. Odd that that would make a difference.
Ty man, just cured my headache xD