Chaotic jobs, how to handle them

I’m in Bavaria as well and in my experience Bavaria has plenty of possibilities for 3D Artists/Operators. There is the advertising industry, some film stuff an then there is the automobile industry. Munich has plenty of opportunities as does as Ingolstadt. Not sure about Nürnberg. A lot of Automobile jobs are pretty boring but they pay decently.
Depending on where you are Stuttgart might not be far which offers quite a bunch of 3D jobs in the advertising and car industry as well.
Right over the border to Austria - in Salzburg - there is Red Bull Mediahouse. I believe they outsource a bunch of things to Bavaria as well.

That said, your story sounds familiar from a lot of stories I have heard from the architecture business. They don’t have money for decent visualisations but they want them anyways. Working in architecture sounds terrible.

As for solving your problem at your current employer I suggest getting organized really well and do a lot of linking/libraries and things like that . That way you stay flexible and your scenes stay light weight.

Here is a very useful post by @sundialsvc4: