I’m relatively new to blender and would like to ask a question. Does anyone know of any good Character Modelling tutorials that you can link here? That would include head, torso, foot, hand, anything having to do with modelling a body/part. I’d really appreciate it.
Also, I’m new to modelling all together, and I’ve looked for the answer to this question but can’t find it, so I’ll just ask…What’s a NURB? A form of modelling? What does it mean? Does it stand for something? Thanx.
NURBS = Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines. Look it up in Google and save yourself having to go to the library to choose a book.
For modelling go to the top of this forum and look at the lists of tutorials. A lot of people have worked really hard to get them to you all in one spot. If you don’t find what your’e looking for there use Google and find tuts on other apps. The general techniques are pretty much adaptable to blender.
Many tuts are designed not to teach you how to make a pencil but to show you how to use the tools and the interface to enable you to model other things like a hand, a foot etc…
Thanks. Yeah I looked through the tutorial sticky post before I posted this, and none are quite what I’m looking for, so I thought I’d ask.
I’ll do the search for that info, hopefully It’ll work out. I guess I may just have to figure out how to make a head on my own, and that actually may be the best way than using someone else’s method.