Character anim tests

Here are a couple of character animation tests I wanted to share. I know they have problems but they may be encouraging to some to see what can be done. The next versions should be 10 percent better than this - I hope. It seems that each revision gets a bit better. This is the WIP forum right.

My apologies to those who don’t have Win MPEG4 codec - These files are not streaming either - sorry, you may have to wait. Thanks for taking the time to check 'em out. (3MB - WIN MPEG4 (4MB - WIN MPEG4)

Very cool indeed.

The first animation is good, but there are some definite errors in the legs and feet. The feet seem to cup downwards when the foot moves back down to the ground.

The second animation is fantastic. No crits at all. Great work. But the dude does have a huge forehead. :wink:


How did you do the face animation? with relative vertex keys or with armatures?

Nice animations.

BgDm said

The feet seem to cup downwards when the foot moves back down to the ground.

Yes, Part of the problem is with the construction of the shoe. There are not verticies in the base and it collapses the bottom of the shoe. I need to redesign them.

The arms of course are not animated right either, but I am going for a walk that is somewhat cartoon - not entirely realistic, It takes a lot of experimenting when you don’t quite know what you are doing. I have some issues with the second animation as well, but It as close as I have gotten so far to what I hope to be able to do.

Zweistein asks

How did you do the face animation? with relative vertex keys or with armatures?

The face is entirely armatures at that stage. A jaw bone, a bone in each eyebrow and bones for the eyelid rotations. I have since added RVKs for the lip sync and am working on some other RVKs for additional facial adjustments.

We’ll see where it goes, I am treading into uncharted terrritory. Trial and error mostly. If this were the Matrix I could ask for a quick mental download for character animation.

Thanks for the feedback