I don’t know how to go about this, and there wasn’t a video in the first few pages on youtube. How can I play sort of collide with a vehicle and load onto it and control it?
So with a cube, we have a player which collides and then go somewhere riding that object?
best way I know of is to store all the player attributes in the vehicle (to spawn that actor again later when exiting the vehicle)
you delete the actual player, and spawn a ‘driving rig’ of that actor in the seat.
(so the vehicle controls and animations for the actor don’t bloat the logic of the ‘walking player’ )
then when the player gets out simply add the actor back to the scene with add object and set all properties and delete the ‘driving rig’ of the actor.
Not exactly how you specified, but here is a .blend with the concept (WAD move; Space and close to sled to board; Shift to get off) It is kind of hard to explain how to do it, but it involves setting several “States” that are activated when you enter and exit the vehicle.