A little about this project, he was sculpted in zbrush and textured in substance, with some retopo work in Blender. I used rigify to rig and pose him(which was a first for me). The cup and some of the trash accessories were modeled in Blender and textured in substance. For the hair, I used the vfx grace hairbrush plugin (was my first time using it and I love the hair modifiers). Some of the trash in the stream and the plants were from Quixel. The eyes are from the flipped normals eye kit. I wanted to disclose the stuff I didn’t make myself. Anyway, I had a lot of fun creating this over the last week and wanted to share, thanks for looking at my project! If you wanted to check out any of my other work or see more WIPs I mainly post on IG @chrisjamescg Since I’m new here I can only put one image in this post. I’ll be posting any of my other Blender centric pieces here, which I’m sure there will be more. Blender is the freaking best.
Ya, I get that. You can get some realy good looking sceans with nothing other than shadow cacher, I created this one Link with shadow cacher and a 16k HDRI.