Character rigging

Hello everyone. I`m having an issue with rigging a character. I put the bones on one hand s fingers applying the rig and it works fine but the other hands fingers move, grabbing other fingers as well.

Hi; probably you just got wrongly Symmetrized Bone Constraints (or Drivers) on the Symmetrized Bones.

Make sure you’re following Bone Naming convention for Left & Right Sides (such as Bone.L and Bone.R).
After you’ve made sure all of the Bones in the Rig (including the ones in different Bone Collections/Layers) have proper Naming,
then, on Edit Mode, you Select All the Bones of one Side only (the Original Side), and (re)use the Symmetrize Operation;
this process should auto-fix the Bone Constraints/Drivers Symmetrization issue.

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I found the problem. the problem was in the mesh, I imported the hand again and it worked well. thanks for the answer :smiley: