I’ve heard a few people say that the BGE only accepts UV and Vertex paint, and not regular materials. Whilst doing movement tests with the game character inanimate, this didn’t seem to be the case; assigning different materials to different vertex groups did show up when pressing Pkey to test. Ever since armature a walk cycle were made for the character (or at least around that time), however, he now shows up only in white, and other objects show up in a mixture of white and their original colours. Trying to remedy this, I’ve switched to the UV method, but have now encountered another problem where the image will show up in the UV editor, against the unwrapped mesh, but not on the actual object. I figure I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere and activated a setting that bars me from certain actions, but I wouldn’t have a clue what that might be. Any advice much appreciated.
Tried packing the image before (without really knowing what it does). Had a look for a ‘textured’ option under ‘draw type’ but the only options there are ‘shaded’, ‘solid’, ‘wired’, and ‘bounds’. Do you mean a draw type other than the one under object buttons?
New problem: Trying to post the URL for the .blend file calls up this message:
Post denied. New posts are limited by number of URLs it may contain and checked if it doesn’t contain forbidden words.
Not the draw type for object, that doesn’t affect the game engine. You need to set the draw type for the viewport. This can be done by pressing the D-key with the curser inside the 3D-view and selecting “Textured Solid”.
And the error message problem can be corrected by going into advanced mode and clicking the world link button and typing the URL there, if all else fails, take off the http & : & / it will go up then without blocking, we can always type those in on our own.
Why don’t you just post the .blend file itself? I never understand why you would put up an external site for a .blend unless it is a big file. Simply click the attach paper clip in advanced mode, then upload the file from your computer and put it right in the post.
Interesting. That makes everything in 3D-view the same as in the game test, but testing the game after changing the draw type now makes the blue render background come up in the game, rather than the regular blender grey. And changing the setting back changes the background back.
Tried all options. Sending the link without the prefix just yielded a message saying it had to be checked by an admin before going public, and that was a few days ago now. Good news is it looks like the problem’s been solved. Can’t pinpoint the cause exactly since this was a few days ago now, but I’m pretty sure it was some noob oversight. The only strange thing to have happened since is that all but one of the UV maps turned black at one point (may or may not have been whilst editing and animation, as was the case with the all-white problem). I’ve since re-applied UVs which have so far stayed their original colour. No idea what the problem was there, and for now I figure I’ll just trudge on through and see what happens.