Character Update

Well, not a lot of time lately, (house being sold, new job starting, etc., etc.), so I have been pretty lax in my blending efforts. So I got a little more done on my character:

I am not looking forward to doing the hands. Anyone have a hand modelling tute out there to share? Seems as thought I got the legs looking OK. Just need to adjust some verts.

Give me some feedback.


Nice model

I’m puzzled by the knees… don’t fit that right with the rest of the character, IMHO


P.S. Hands? Give him claws!

WOW! Didn’t take you long to reply, did it?! :wink:

I know about the knees. I need to fix that. Looks awful right now.

Claws eh!? Maybe build a supe gun into his arm. How about that?!

/me starts drawing up weapons of mass destruction :o


cool…looks as if it starts to assemble :wink: