Character WIP: Cartoon Style Skaterboy

Hi everybody,

I’m currently taking a break from my animated short wipto improve my character
modelling skills a bit. I had an idea for comic style still for which i need a barefaced
little skater. Here’s what i’ve got so far…

C&C welcome


If it’s clay material you are after it looks good. The pocket on his hoodie looks a bit stiff though.

Edit: if you are goin to animate this one, two “strings”, dont know the appropriate word in english, should be attatched to his hood. That will give a nice effect when he moves.

yeah, clay look was what i was going for, at least until the mesh is finished. I will
definitely add the two strings on his hoodie, i miss them everytime i look at the model:) and
there are still some more details missing, like pockets and seams on the pants …
Here are some wires of the mesh:



Nice clean model. I like the rim light on it. Gives a bit of SSS to it. Yeah, his pants should have more jeans to it, and his shoes could have some laces as all skate shoes has :-)… and try to put some skate tags on his hoodie and cap. Tosh townend has some really awesome shoes as a reference, here is two examples

well… enough branding for today :slight_smile: … good luck.

oh, thanx for cool reference pics!
hmmm, think the pants should be much more baggy…
those tight pants are not really skater style… but i suppose they deform much better
than baggy pants would…

Little Update:

pants are more baggy style now… hm, need definitely more work though…

The pants are still missing details like seams and stuff… and they rather look like neoprene than like jeans… lol

added “strings” to the hood



Ears look like cups, maybe make the edges more fat… Other than that Nice work! :slight_smile:
I’m a Big Fan of cartoony characters(and using low amount of vertices), I’ll be watching this thread.

hey Calvin,

Thanx for commenting. i agree with what you said about the ears, they stil need a little work.
i just don’t want to make them toooo detailed 'cause i want to keep the overall style rather simple.
BTW, i’m a great fan of low-poly subdiv-meshes (and toony style charcters) too, be sure that i
checked your recent wips quite closely :smiley:


Hey man, good work! That model is looking nice and smooth.One thing, the ears dont look quite tall enough. Maybe…squished…Any plans for it?

Keep it up!

Holy crap, nice work!

@Drew: hey, nice to hear from you… hmmm, yeah, you may be right, from that perspective
the ears really look … small… Calvin didn’t like the ears either… maybe i should delete them lol
to be serious, the ears definitely need some more work and i’ll surely do some tweaking at the weekend

@Enriqolonius: Thanx a lot man! Glad you like it


The only thing that seems off to me is the pocket in the front seems odd. Here is a couple reference pics I pulled off the net:
I think the thing about yours that looks off is that it sticks out at the top. Anyways, hope this helps.

hey zanz, thanx a lot for for the cool references, man !!!
Yeah i know what you mean, good point… i wanted to make the hoodie look very soft and made from thick cloth… i let the pocket stick out a bit to show this…
I’ll take a closer look at the references you posted later this day… i’m at work right now…damn:rolleyes:


A lot of the softness will come from the shader, too, right now on the default it looks hard and transmissive. Try a high reflectivity medium-high rougness shader with some kind of normal-based ramp shader to lighten it.

ok, first of all sorry for the slow response time…
@BlackBoe: Thanx for the suggestion, will try that !
here are some renders of the updated mesh:

worked on the ears to make them a bit more look like… ears

changed to pocket of the hoodie a bit

changed the size of the head a bit (scale factor 0.9)

changed the seams of the pants a little bit

made him a belt

BTW, i was messing around with materials and colors a bit, tell me which one you like best:D
C&C welcome



wow! No offense, but this is looking a billion times better than the model for your short!

nice lighting and materials…great work, keep it up!

PS green looks better, IMHO

Great, just need some seems now to make it look more like real clothing.

thanx, guys, glad you like it !!!
@Drew: yeah, i agree with you on what you said 'bout the character of my short wip.
When this one is finished i will put the new experience i made with the skaterboy into
the “Carl” and see what i get out of him…

@tef: yes, some seams would be nice. I already tried to add some vertical seams to the
pants to make it look more like jeans, but it messed up the hole mesh… now i’m thinking
'bout some nice bump maps instead… that would mean unwrapping the mesh… any
other suggestions ?

thanx a lot for posting,

Bumpmapping sounds better. I like when the mesh is as simple as possible.

hi everybody,

little update… made a simple skateboard for the skaterboy character… no materials yet…

