Wow! The Power of Blender never ceases to amaze my. That’s damn awesome!
I love those cartoony dudes
How did you make the light-setup?
I like that black/white picture…kind of makes it more detailed…
Theres 8 spotlight 4 front 4 back. Energy of lights at back is 0.65, softines for all is set to 5 and samplast is up to 16. Material is simple gray and there is stucci material for tiny bumbs.
Tested little colours:
What do you think?
Oh, and is there some way smooth edge of materials?
What do you mean by 'smoothing the edge of materials?
Man, I couldn’t stop laughing at this - the model is so good, and it has a very humorous quality about it. I really like the posed cow. Very nice work.
Example where pink udders material change to black and white material, edge between them is annoyingly sharp.
I could use few tuts about organic texturing, uv texturing, texture painting and all other methods of texturing
Mmm, the only solution I can figure out on the spot is to add an UV alpha texture as first texture on, say, pink, so that alpha goes from 1 to 0 fairly quickly at borders. This way you should be able to se beneath that material (yup, you have to exted the other mesh…)
Worked wit eyes and materials and got eyebrows rigged so it’s easyer to make face expressions.
Any crit/comments?
Addéd bones for eyes so those bend with eyebrows:
I think it’s better, do you?
looks Fantastic
Hi it’s me again
Here is first test anim, my wife said it’s fun but i’d like to have more objective opinions so don’t save words, just spill out what do you think.
Critique about everything expressions, movement, timing just about anything that comes in mind is appriciated
Cool :o !!!
Nice and fluid, expressive too. My only suggestion is: If cowy is trying to catch a fly, as it seems, why don’t you actually add the fly?
hehe. cool but straaaange
Not long ago i watched old Pink Panther cartoons and there was chasin invisible flys and stuff like that. Liked it so much that wanted to try something similar (and i was too lazy, but if you wan’t i can add the fly)
Basicly this was just a test and first time i do anything like this so i wanted to start something simple and with time move on more complex things(i hope) and that’s why i need feedback, prefer bad than good
On next version cow rises up shaking his head at end
Those invisible flies are the hardest to catch! Maybe have the eyebrows more expressively follow the fly that’s what I would do if I could animate
And place a Zzzzzzzzz sound in it!
Thanks sound is coming someday and i try to make eyebrows more live.
Cow is aside some time and i’m working with my bat chick for now and i’d like to have suggestions about textures.
Wich way i should go? Organic, metall, stone or something else?
Anyway here is little reminder of her:
Edit: Oh just remembered, how to rig this and how to do parenting?
Now wings and legs are seperate objects and those fur-like of thingys are parented to them, should i join whole thing or can i keep them separate?
For now there is “just” 1662548 faces in that pic