Hi every one i’m new to this forum, so plz correct me if i’m doing something wrong.
So i did a lot of search but couldn’t find my answer.
I have a character which i want to use for a game. Now i am finished with modelling, but one last question remains. When
I want to rigg my character does it have to be one single object ?
I know you can rigg multiply objects but what is the best practise ?
It doesn’t have to be a single object to rig. However, you should consolidate what you have now into fewer objects and fewer polygons. For a game character, 43k tris is too high. The chains are a major factor there; you’ll need to find a way to simplify them, like applying a chain texture with alpha transparency to an array of planes. Another example, those rectangular pieces on the gloves should just be textured on later since they’re not a significant part of your character’s silhouette. Shoelaces shouldn’t have their own geometry either. Most of the clothing items can be combined into one mesh. Lastly, you shouldn’t have any hidden geometry, like all those faces inside your character’s shoes, jacket, and sleeves. Just delete them.
thx for your reply.
Yes as i thougt the chains are hell to mutch i know :S (It’s my first try to make a game character)
Hmm maybe the human body was not deletet then sorry for that, should only be around 5k without chains.