Check out my geometrical monkey. Help me out :)

Here’s my attempt of making a nice little monkey. I hope to rig it later, but for now, I would like to present it in the best way possible. Maybe someone could give me some pointer on how to light the scene and all that.

And the update :

Heres the result of your tips yogyog. Do you sugest anymore improvements?

Thank you

to blend the background with the ground you want to

1: use fog so it fades into the background colour.
2: make the background curve from being horisontal to vertical

The second is a photographic techneque for photographing things on a surfice that apears to go on forever, called an infinity curve.

your monkey is very good - nice style! but building it in such a pose will make it harder to rig.


indeed lol

nice model hehehe

Thanks, check out the update on my first post