Someone posted this url in #BlenderChat, and I thought I would share it with you guys:
At the right you can test your reaction time. My fastest time is 0.16 sofar.
(note this may not work in all browsers).
Someone posted this url in #BlenderChat, and I thought I would share it with you guys:
At the right you can test your reaction time. My fastest time is 0.16 sofar.
(note this may not work in all browsers).
Mine was 0.18, but that was only achieved after a few rounds of abuse and derisive comments from the prompt.
Beat that Kib.
" Your reaction time is 0 seconds
You are super human. I bow to Thee!"
well fullback, … I didn’t beat your time,… but I did manage to equal it.
Yay, i got 0.16 (much better than my school grades )
.351 I suck.
and that was after several tries.
ilac, i thought u were kiddin till i got this:
hahaha…and below, i managed to click 96 of dem check boxes in 20 seconds =) woo! super powers rock!
I only managed 0.22… but when I used the keyboard instead of the mouse I got 0.15.
I reckon this just shows how good your mouse is, nothing to do with reaction time at all.
Being Superhuman is not something to kid about. After all, with great power…
yargh! my best time was .23 something and after 2 tries i only got 80 boxes in the 20sec. this is all using the keyboard of course!
good god, i have gotta bookmark this. it’ll be a great way to waste time at school next year!
0.17… i suck!!!
yyyyyyyyeeeess!!! i did it!!! beat that! he he he!
not good, not bad
I got 0.05! Not bad.
I also got 52 boxes in the 20 seconds. Not bad there either!!
I got 0 sec on the 4th try…
checked 84 boxes?
beat this
Argh, i also got 52 :-?
raising the bar to unseen levels, chris stands out above the rest!