ok its official i talked to the mods (not really but hey)
we are getting a CHEESE CHAT FORUM here at elysiun and we need nominations for the
CHEIF CHEESE MODERATOR, who is in charge of moderating all posts in the new forum.
ANTI CHEESE MESSAGES need to be deleted
people talking about things such as ANYTHING BUT CHEESE will be banned and blocked from further cheese discussion.
words like
are acceptible in the new cheese forum.
but we someone to over see the removal of all posts containing these quotes.
My dog, because he likes cheese alot.
He got into my dads cheese yesterday and ate:
157g of gouda
972 g of swiss
54 g of bleu
1,298 metric tons of havarati
(he’s a big dog)
Vote for him because he’ll pay you even more than alltaken.
I have a neighbour who keeps calling the cops on the anonymous crime stopper phone line when he sees people taking an innocuous walk to the river. Is it ok if I call him a RAT? Rats love CHEESE. He’s a babbling fat rat that looks like a cow with his pseudo mammalian male utters hanging down to his knees flopping over from his CHEESE stuffed gut. If he didn’t have eyes, he would look like a hairy ball of GOUDA. That’s because he eats a lot of Tim Horton’s bagels with cream CHEESE. The fat rat was caught trying to defraud his employer’s insurance plan by faking an illness in order to avoid having to work (which is not much, he pretends to sweep floors in a paper mill for $50,000/year) . Vote for FAT RAT MAN, he’s the ultimate HEAD CHEESE.
He appreciates the vote, his CHEESE supply was running low. You might have prevented New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, England, and yes… Wisconsin and Quebec from being cobbled up by FAT RAT MAN a.k.a Ratus Giganticus
ok and then a short statement as to why people should vote for you.
because i invented it! cheese chat is 100% blengine originated =)
i am head cheese of cheesechat on the basis that i called it first in the cheese thread! and on the basis that i invented it! ME ME ME
Cows, don’t EAT cheese, they make it… (But, hey, just making it makes you a connisseur…)
Vote for him, because he’s Anti-irawq , a loyal American, He’s handing out signed Autopgraphs of this image here: http://www.geocities.com/ikthonk/Cw1.jpg
and 'cause he say’s “Bwaaahaaahaargggggg”…
Vote now!
Name: Skating Kow
Why: have you read any of my posts? There’s you’re answer then! Also I’m a KOW which is nearly a COW and finally, I love CHEESE.
Cheers alltaken. Oh and bafoon, I too haven’t gone a day without CHEESE since I was 12. I’m 14 now!
Wow, that’s a lot of CHEESE… uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm CHEESE