So I’m going to make my own, anyone care to join me ?
hhmmmm, ur insane, lol, that is the most awesome idea ever. im a cheap b*astard, or else i would
OK, so I’m insain, I would like to learn how to make swiss the most, they are great on sandwich, so I’m also thinking about getting this book
I like cheese, beer, and irish and scotch whisky. That’s how I crashed my saucer in New Mexico. :o
I love CHEESE! But, well, making my own CHEESE! Effort!
My wife is a cheese addict. When the levels of cheese in our fridge fall below 2 packets she starts frothing at the mouth.
That’s how me mother is. I can tolerate American cheese, but I cannot stand most of the ones she likes, except for Swiss. In fact, I myself wouldn’t mind making my own Swiss cheese. Anyone ever try Lorraine Swiss?
Jeeze cow, with all your cheese loving, I would of thought you would be the only one that will make there own cheese. It really doesn’t seem to be much effort, all you need to do is boil the milk add a tablet, cut the curds and put it into a cheese press. You must be rich if you can afford to buy so many cheese, the good ones cost 5 usd at wallmart for 8oz.
If I could make it myself, I could probaly make 5 times as much under 20 dollers and be set for life.
No, is it sharp ? I remember the greatest cheese I had in Tonapa, they didn’t had swiss but it’s much like swiss, it was soft and extreamly sharp. It was some kind of mountain cheese, I don’t think it’s Amish cheese, thoe I do wonder if there are any in the market.
We used to make our own cheese, It was nice but gettin the consistant cultures is difficult, Each cheese seemed to be different Nice idea tho. Those Dutch cheese shops were no place for a bot like Graud, poor ol ting
It was Gruad, no?
Seamcunle: Gruad thought KH was great.
I love it, and I love lots of different kinds… American on a warm, crisp bagel makes me think I’m in heaven and I’ve been known to eat half a bar of cheddar with breakfast. (WITH, not FOR. I eat huge breakfasts).
Lordbenny should see this thread. You almost never see him, but his sig is “Eat more cheese”.