
Excellent work, Barney will be jealous :slight_smile:

About the liquid (third image):
It looks like a modeled mesh, sculpted to add details such as the pasta laying on top of it.

Is this the way you did it? Or did you use fluid simulation for the base mesh?
I’m curious :eyebrowlift:

Best regards


Yeah the cheese wave was sculpted in zbrush then touched up/remodelled afterwards. However the splash in the first illustration was done a little differently - we did a bunch of fluid sims to get reference for how a splash should look then, we modelled it from scratch using the fluid sims as a template, but exaggerating it to look smoother, stringier and cheesier.

what a CUTE creature!
i can feel his happiness!!

I’m new to 3D modelation, and i wanted to start with cartoons. Believe me that after seeing this work with blender i’m even more motivated to learn and start creating my own chars.


P.S: It’s amazing (in the wireframe view) that such a great character is made with few polygons (compared with other works that use much more and achieve maybe less expression/cartoonish style)

ive played a guitar just like that lucky me lol