Chef - Blender 2.8

Finished work.

Trying sculpting in Blender 2.8. It is working quite good for now, haha. And it is quite helpful to sketch with the new grease pencil in order to see where the concept is going.


Nice job, so far. Are you using Dyntopo or Multires Modifier for the details?

I never tried the new grease pencil though.


Thanks, Gabriel!
I am using Dyntopo with relative mode and 2 to 4 pixels of resolution. I tried multires modifier, but when I used the smooth brush it crashed. Probably this is still being worked on Blender 2.8. The good thing about sculpting in 2.8 is that you can use cavity shading and the matcaps are awsome.

Try out grease pencil, it is working very very good.

Pretty cool, i’m working on a sculpture too using the 2.8. Barber - Sculpting I’ve used the grease pencil for the topology studies. Pretty good so far.

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Great! Sorry for the late reply. Keep it up!

Sculpting with 2.8 matcaps and this beautiful new interface in Blender is so good! Can’t wait to have it in full version with addons updated to 2.8, like Speedsculpt from Cédric Lepiller.

This is how the sculpt is going. I will work on a bit more of details now and maybe texture it afterwards. Don’t want to take too long with this one.

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Looking real good! This is my favorite sculpt from you.

Personally, I would loose the sideburns.
And I’d try something different with the hand, that is not a natural chopsticks grip. Maybe he can use a chef’s knife if that’s easier than doing a chopstick grip.

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Thanks for the feedback!! :smiley:
Yeah, you’re right! Need to fix the hands. I think it is quite possible with some armature. Will do that. I think it is better than using a knife.
And thank you for the reference pictures!

About the side burns, I really like the strangeness from them, haha. But let’s try without them:

Yeah… I think it helps to take out some weight from the ears, leaving the details for the little moster and the chef’s face. :slight_smile:

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the stereotypical predisposition (racism sort of) ruins it for me - would rather see the McDonald satire
sadly, cuz technically, shows a decent work
also chinese kitchen is far healthier than that made as an eye pleasing sweet junk food killer
no hard feelings, a simple opinion :wink: keep it up

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I understand.
I really did not mean to be racist in anyway though. I see every people as equals, no matter where they are from, and their skin color. I am brazilian myself, and I live amongst mixed people. In my family there were native brazilians and portugueses in the older generations, so how could I be racist in any way. I never meant to, and if you are offended, I am very sorry and I never wanted that.

To tell you the truth, when I started sculpting I did not even know what I was doing. So I finally thought it to be a chef holding some type of alien food. I know chinese food is not like that. Actually this type of food doesn’t even exist. I was just making a sculpt exercise in Blender and was not thinking too much about its meaning.

Again, I am very sorry you are offended. I will change its name to only “Chef”, but I can remove the post as well.

Yeah, no judgement, just an observation as i understand Propaganda’s power and influence. I just couldn’t keep quiet… in hope you get aware of the darkness lurking within - depends on personal inner strength (soul intelligence) - its danger shows rather later in life, when one assumes to be in the comfort zone, embracing apocalypse (brexit).

& keep working on it - enjoy exploring and observe well where it takes you. Life gets vast, as mind widens.
What is started must finish. Make it work for you!

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This is starting to look really good, well done Daniel!

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Thanks, Michael!

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Thank you for your words! Cheers!

Hey Dan if you don’t mind me asking… What are your plans for materials, textures and/or vertex painting? I am new to this domain and I need process tips for future projects.

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I am thinking about using a skin material with subsurface scatering in eevee, but nothing too fancy. I want to keep the materials and textures simple like in a cartoonish style. Firstly I wanted to just use a clay material in everything, but I want to try sss in eevee. And then see if vertex paint is working fine in blender 2.8. I definitely don’t want to remesh, UV unwrap in order to texture paint.
If vertex paint is slow, I will probably export it to Zbrush core to paint the texture there and then bring it back to finish lighting in eevee.

Let’s see what happens, haha. :sweat_smile: I still haven’t got a good process to paint the textures. I am still exploring this. But I really don’t like remeshing stuff hahah

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Changed the hand position. Now it looks more like he is holding hashi.
Thanks again for the feedback, guys!

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Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. Your explanation has really helped me, now I have some idea of where to start in my texturing adventures. I can’t wait to see your final render! :wink:

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Amazing work on this! You make me excited to use 2.8, good work :smile:

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Great! Glad to be of any help.
I tried vertex paint to paint the skin color, but it is still very slow in 2.8. But in newest builds of 2.79 vertex paint is working very very good. So I started painting there, then I will bring to 2.8 for finishing materials and stuff.
So if you want to try vertex paint, use the latest builds from 2.79 - I actually used 2.79.0-git.6c07050-windows64, which I have donloaded on may of this year, but I think any of the latest 2.79 has this flawless vertexpaint, which is very smooth. :smiley:
Can’t wait to see your texturing adventures as well!!
