
Not really origional, I know. I tried to make a scene called Casualties with the defieted chess peaces as the casualties, but it didn’t worked out the way it should. Anyway, I’ve made a few renders, and I would like to know which render you like best. Please use the poll.




FOUR Scroll down for a slightly modified version.


Please vote.
C&C very appreciated.

PS my personal favorite is ONE…

They are all geat. It is a common subject but this one is very well composed and rendered. Please give us more information, what renderer (Yafray probably), how did you made the dof, did you use nodes, a tut would then be welcome. Nice job Roger ! Just one crit, the wood texture would need some more work on mapping, but nice anyway.

Very good renderers and great work :slight_smile:

composition is best in 4.render, but color harmony(nice hot color mood) in first render.

you should make a game out of that

Thanks guys.

Indeed it was done with Yafray. But the Dof was made with nodes. I have created a tutorial how to do it. You can find it here.

thats way betther than mine!

Number one’s lovely. Composition, lighting and warmth.

Number #4 +1
I love the composition of this image. It carries a nice message to the viewer on casualties of conflicts and how they are simply “discarded” The modeling, lighting and DOF effect are great

#1 is good.
It’s a bit to bright at the top
of the image. However the lighting
is more interesting in #1
then in the other images.

#2 is good.
IMO it’s better then 5.

#3 is average.

#4 is good.
It needs better lighting.
A light above the box might fix that.

#5 is not as good
as #2

Try and get all the best parts from #1, #2 and #4
into one image.

aargh i like them all! I can’t decide which photo i like best;)

your lighting setup?

I’m the guy who voted for three.

Very nice job on all of them. Very good light setup and materials, they all, especially the firts one, look photoreal.

You have some amazing texturing and lighting skills! I was getting ready to bash you for posting another chess render, but this is the best one I have seen from Blender. The caustics are perfect! The DOF looks good, though I’m not sure if it is realistic or not. A chess board seems big enough for a camera to focus on completely, but I may be wrong.

Great work! :cool:

I must assume you are aiming for realism. I like #1, but it was a little too close for my taste. #2 is great, but the only thing there that lost my vote was the “green thing” in the background. #3 is superb, but has been done too many times. #4 & #5 are a tie for me, but I ended up voting for #4 because of the interesting view.

Many props for you! You got the lighting, the glass, textures and DOP perfect.

I’m speechless.

I do prefer #1, though.

Very nice job…I prefer number 4

lovely #4 but i like them all

Wow thanks very much guys :smiley: you just made my day. I’m really thankful for these positive reactions.

The light setup was a few light emitting planes (it’s rendered with yafray Full GI so planes with emit higher than 0.0 really emits light and a few tiny lamps.)

The green thing in that background is indeed a bit distractive and doesn’t look that good, but I made this felt covered for the #4 render and thought i’d be nice placing it in the background :P.

I am really glad you guys like 'em. Personnaly I am pretty pleased with the results myself. (It’s okay to be proud now and then I guess…)

I eddited #4 a bit becouse this one had more votes then I guessed it would. I made the colours a bit warmer and gave it a bit more light and a suptle glow. Here it is.


Thanks again guys :).


This is great work
But #3 when you look at it it looks like the Knight and the piece next to it arent as blured out as the rest of the pieces. That kinda takes away fomth the piece right in front of you.

youll see what I mean in the pic
I dont know you might think other wise but its bothering me, otherwise GOOD WORK OL SUNNY BOY

That is called the “Focal Point”.