Childhood´s end (update 3.12.2006)

Hi. This image was made for czech contest - “magic” . It is made in blender / yafray.
new version

lovely, great light and details :slight_smile:

Very good texturing and lighting effects, how long did this take to render?

Very nice… in style it’s someware between Magritte and Kit Wiliams.

lovely. I love the colour

what else can you say?

excellent is all i can say.:eek: The texturing and lighting are spot on.The modelling and placement are perfect.5 from me!:wink:
JUST ONE CRIT:where is the plane hanging from?:confused:

I don care still 5 from me!

The ceiling, hopefully.

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Awww…it’s so sad…even the cup is crying. Now I’m so depressed. thanks a lot for reminding me of all the childhood simple pleasures I have lost, locked away forever as a faded memory.

(of course, my hat’s off to you for creating an image that evokes such a response).

great mood and lighting.

Nice work. I like the idea and the realisation.

Oh, one crit, just realized…
I dont really like how the cup has two tears. Or more specifically, two tears symetricaly placed…other than that
Still awesome

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Hi, thank you very much for your support. I made some corrections on lights and composition. Maybe it looks better now.

animatinator : render takes about 40 minutes

trak wrecka : thanks, that was my main purpose :slight_smile:

free_ality : i know about that, i hope it is not so big fault :slight_smile:

ha, its not :slight_smile:

Superb, nothing shy of unadulterated beauty!

Moved to the gallery.


great work man…one small crit, IMHO lighting is great but a little more contrast would prolly have made it look better…other than that, GREAT image…period

anuraag_01: thanks
and also thanks to everyone for supporting this thread :slight_smile:

So sad…:frowning:

It’s so sad…I remember when I was 10, loving playing with Gi-Joes, I thought “When I grow up I’m never gonna stop playing with my GI Joes.” I, even then, was terrified that I might come to the point where I didn’t want to play GI joes. And now look at me, haven’t played with one for…Wait, I get it! Now instead of playing, I model and animate. that’s even better! Yes! life is good!..But when I see that render, I know it’ll never be so beautifully simple as the days when a few GI Joes could completely satisfy every need I had and give pleasure and thrill me for hours at a time. …Ahh… yes…my old, battle torn – abandoned-- toys. May they be comforted, whereever they lay.