Hi. This image was made for czech contest - “magic” . It is made in blender / yafray.
new version
lovely, great light and details
Very good texturing and lighting effects, how long did this take to render?
Very nice… in style it’s someware between Magritte and Kit Wiliams.
lovely. I love the colour
what else can you say?
excellent is all i can say.:eek: The texturing and lighting are spot on.The modelling and placement are perfect.5 from me!
JUST ONE CRIT:where is the plane hanging from?
I don care still 5 from me!
The ceiling, hopefully.
Awww…it’s so sad…even the cup is crying. Now I’m so depressed. thanks a lot for reminding me of all the childhood simple pleasures I have lost, locked away forever as a faded memory.
(of course, my hat’s off to you for creating an image that evokes such a response).
great mood and lighting.
Nice work. I like the idea and the realisation.
Oh, one crit, just realized…
I dont really like how the cup has two tears. Or more specifically, two tears symetricaly placed…other than that
Still awesome
Hi, thank you very much for your support. I made some corrections on lights and composition. Maybe it looks better now.
animatinator : render takes about 40 minutes
trak wrecka : thanks, that was my main purpose
free_ality : i know about that, i hope it is not so big fault
ha, its not
Superb, nothing shy of unadulterated beauty!
Moved to the gallery.
great work man…one small crit, IMHO lighting is great but a little more contrast would prolly have made it look better…other than that, GREAT image…period
anuraag_01: thanks
and also thanks to everyone for supporting this thread
So sad…
It’s so sad…I remember when I was 10, loving playing with Gi-Joes, I thought “When I grow up I’m never gonna stop playing with my GI Joes.” I, even then, was terrified that I might come to the point where I didn’t want to play GI joes. And now look at me, haven’t played with one for…Wait, I get it! Now instead of playing, I model and animate. that’s even better! Yes! life is good!..But when I see that render, I know it’ll never be so beautifully simple as the days when a few GI Joes could completely satisfy every need I had and give pleasure and thrill me for hours at a time. …Ahh… yes…my old, battle torn – abandoned-- toys. May they be comforted, whereever they lay.