Now I can subsurf the sky is the limit!!!
My version of a Chokobo.
For those of you that don’t know what the hell one of those is look up one of the Final Fantasy games.
I’m gonna animate this when I’m finished textureing etc
Waddyah think?
nice chocobo, glad you discovered subsurfaces. Looking forward to seeing it textured and animated. Also (just my opinion) I believe it needs a little more of a beak.
Nice start. It’s definitley a Chocobo!
I agree with paradox on the beak though.
well all i am getting when i click on the link is a picture of fortune city. no chocobo.
Im just guessing but i dont think hes made the beak yet. Just the head. Thats probly why theres no eyes either.
But it rocks, great work.
I should go do a cactaur…
Is that a hybrid between a rabbit and a hen?
Nice start
I’ve got a little further with it now.
Have another look
I’m off out to party!
well i finally got a picture. yah it looks good.
Looking good!
Maybe make the legs a bit longer, chocobo’s are fast runners with long legs. Kind of like an ostrich (sp?). Unless of course it’s a baby chocobo you’re modeling
dewd thats nice brings back memories 8)