
I made a little scene with a dish full of custard and decorated with a landscape in chocolate.
I had some problems to find a background and that the dish stays the main subject so I made this, does it seems too empty?

nice Idea, but to me the the bowl looks like a toilet seat :frowning:

sadly I agree on the toilet seat. it’s probably the composition of the bowl. not enough visual information to tell us it’s a bowl for eating out of.

While not ever scene has to tell or suggest a story with it’s visual composition. For example if your model / scene is supposed to be on a display stand like a plastic model or a ship model might be presented. Then there is no expectation that the artist is attempting to stimulate the imagination of the viewer. So, I think this looks a bit too static and it doesn’t cause me to think about the possible story options you might be hinting at in the scene.

It’s a creative idea, but I’m wondering what you are challenging me to think about. Since it’s not my scene, I really don’t have any specific suggestions, but you need something that causes the viewer to react in some way such as evoking a feeling or imaging a story.

Anyway, I like the basic idea. And yes, the plate or bowl looks very odd.

Thank you for your comments, I didn’t realize that o.o
So I made a few changement :smiley:

I think that now it’s my finished image. Two worlds in parallel, the real one and the imagination of a creator, here a chocolate maker who can import everything he wants to the real world.

It is more though provoking. Before I read your description, I was imaging what story you were telling. My initial thought was not the same as your description, but that’s OK. You caused me to pause and think about the scene and use my own imagination about what was happening.

And the bowl is much improved

really like the update! I think I prefer the one without the door but that’s just a personal opinion. I think it seems a little out of place but I’d like to see what others think as well. Bravo on the updates. The camera angle really makes the difference.

as an added thought, it almost feels like a chocolate advertisement now.

Thank you! Your comments really helped me to see the problems that there was in my image, I’m glad that you prefer it now. :slight_smile: