choosing the right scale for buildings modelling


I am a newbie to blender 2.25 and to modelling in general. I would like to create a virtual visit of the inside of a medium sized building ( about 80meters * 20m approximatively in real) . I did some tutorials, i am improving quite fast at mesh modelling, etc. but i am not sure about what scale i should choose to start modelling my building. Is there any limitation for the size of the objects on the grid ? Is the default scale of the grid ok for a start or should i change it ? Tutorials arent really clear and i couldnt find any topic about that on this forum so far.

thanks for your help

If at some point you go outside of your scene and your stuff starts dissappearing, just adjust the clip end for the camera lens.

When drafting out building and the like, I usually work assuming 1 Blender unit = 10 centimeters, so I can snap my points to the grid with ease and get 10cm walls.

Alexandre Rangel

Arrangel - I did exactly the same, and so my house model is 1 BU to 10cm (because of the grid).

But I then discovered you cqn set the grid to whatever you want (e.g. you can set the grid to be 0.1BU if you wish), so I could probably have used 1 BU = 1m…

Ok thank you for your advices. I didnt know i could set the grid to a particular unit. That sounds very helpful !

You can press shift and ctrl at the same time and snap to 1/10th of Blender units, centimeters in your case. In 2.30 you can also input the values directly using your keyboard.



Blender is limited to -1000 to 1000 B.U. so if you take 1B.U. = 10cm you will have problems with things bigger than 200 m.



AFAIK, that’s only the limit of the coordinates button in the Nkey panel, the actually coordinates are stored as floats, so it’s probably just a matter of upping the limit there.


I’ve been using a technique similar to arangle for creating objects and then reducing them by .5 or better for the actual scene for the sake of scale accuracy. It kinda works. Camera clip length stumped me for a bit :wink:

it shouldnt actually matter at all what scale you use when blendnig non numerical stuff. if i find the lights arent big enough, rather than re scaling the whole clip end values, i just scale down the whole scene.